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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. sorry its not possible but i will consider it in the next theme update
  2. Hi, Sorry only feeds from pages, gallery, downloads app are possible
  3. Hello, No it will cause conflict and it is wrong to copy paste everything from another template to custom.css also, dont modify any CSS/HTML templates as this will always cause the theme not to function properly on new IPS versions. Use custom.css for ALL your styling and customization's you can literally do everything you want with styles and without touching a single other css template 😉 How to use custom.css? Say for example you edited a css template to change a color. you dont need to do that! just copy the css for the color and paste it inside custom.css then change the color code There is no no need to enable designer mode editing javascript to change a font. simply use css to change font you can also just post how to change a font here in forums, im sure there is always someone to help. you could also ask it here in my support topics i can always help with small customizations like font/color text size or whatever 🙂 Thank you too! be safe
  4. Version: 2.2.5. -Social Links on sidebar can now be Toggled to show or hide. a small arrow icon was added under the social links. -Minor bug fixes and css adjustments
  5. Version: 1.0.3. -Social Links on sidebar can now be Toggled to show or hide. a small arrow icon was added under the social links. -Minor bug fixes and css adjustments
  6. Version: 4.2.8. -Social Links on sidebar can now be Toggled to show or hide. a small arrow icon was added under the social links. -Minor bug fixes and css adjustments
  7. Hi, I just updated the theme file in marketplace download and update your theme. the social links on sidebar is now behind modal windows and not just on full screen window Thanks for reporting 🙂
  8. Have you modified the swiper slider templates? if so just revert them back to default or re update the app 🙂
  9. I will check it out and get back to you thanks Edit it does not happen here, can you please send me a message with screenshots of your settings?
  10. Hi, Well it could be the theme if you have edited the templates Try to revert this HTML template in the theme back to default includeMeta -- If that does not fix try to download the latest theme file in Marketplace and update. "Make sure to select the new version of templates during theme update" Edit: If still no hope then the last thing you might need to is checking your IPS storage settings maybe 😕 I also I just used https://ipskit.com and uploaded this image to test https://easysunday.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/1200x630.jpg the image showed up fine in facebook when i shared a topic in facebook
  11. Hello, Try this maybe #ipsLayout_footer { background: {hextorgb="footer_crbackground" opacity="0.80"} !important; } .ipsApp.ipsApp_front #ipsLayout_contentArea { background-color: {hextorgb="area_background" opacity="0.80"} !important; } If that does not work then i need a link to check
  12. Yes the example is incorrect because I forgot to close the element tag and thats what happens if you use html incorrectly in the fields anyway, you should add you icons next to links like this <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook
  13. Hi, Sorry try this maybe #elMobileNav { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 999999999; }
  14. So sorry for the late reply i totally for got about it Here is the code 🙂 .fw_Container .ipsPad{ padding: 0; }
  15. Sure just add this into custom.css #elMobileNav { position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 999999999; }
  16. Hello, Sorry for the late reply Can you provide links instead of screenshots?
  17. Sure! 👍 But please don't review directly after purchasing or using the review to ask question 🙂 Cheers
  18. It is compaitable 🙂I Let me know if you have issues with it
  19. Ignore the warning and continue updating your IPS 🙂T
  20. Hello, Please revert your edited templates to fix it. There are no template issues in Magnum Theme by default
  21. Hi, With css you can remove the padding's i can help if you provide a link
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