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  1. Marc's post in Push notifications for both platforms? was marked as the answer   
    They would only work for android at the moment, as these functions are not supported by the devices
  2. Marc's post in Help - configuration or server error with latest update was marked as the answer   
    Looking at the ticket, Im happy to see that issue was resolved for you by our developers. It does seem your database is not currently using UTF8MB4 as was suggested. Its likely this could have been what caused your issues in the first place. So we would advise on ensuring this is addressed before you run any upgrades going forward
  3. Marc's post in Forum Inaccessible - SSL Issue was marked as the answer   
    This has now been corrected for you, and you are able to log in. The issue here is that while your site is at root, its using files from a forums folder. There is a copy of files which are residing in the root of your FTP, and those are not actually the files your site is using. So you are editing the wrong files there. Note, you should not need any of the suggested edits above for your site to work correctly, so they have been removed.
    All that was needed there was the conf_global.php file to be edited to https correctly. You were editing the wrong one there.
  4. Marc's post in SSL Cert Issue was marked as the answer   
    Sorry to see you were having issues there. As a cloud customer, we are able to resolve that on  your behalf, and this has now been done for you. If you are seeing the same issue still, please clear your browser cache and test again. 
  5. Marc's post in ACP Slow Access was marked as the answer   
    On taking a look there, the most likely cause of any slowdown on any area of your site is that some of your tables are using  the MyISAM table engine. As mentioned in support area of your Admin CP, InnoDB database tables typically perform more efficiently and reliably than other database engines such as MyISAM on most modern hosts when configured correctly. It is strongly encouraged to ensure all of your database tables are using the InnoDB storage engine, and that your hosting provider has configured MySQL for InnoDB use.
    Once that is done, test again to see if this has resolved the issue. Its very likely it will. If not, the next step would be to disable any 3rd party items you are running and test this without those items in play
  6. Marc's post in Download custom theme from designer's mode or normal mode? was marked as the answer   
    It seems this is actually working as intended, however we understand how it's a little confusing having to reënter this. Therefore this has been brought up as an internal discussion, so thank you for letting us know.
  7. Marc's post in [THIS SITE] - shenanigans with lists was marked as the answer   
    Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Seems to be working here. Could I just confirm, you are no longer seeing this, Nathan?
  8. Marc's post in Group-specific starting point was marked as the answer   
    The only way to do this within the software itself, would be instead of creating 2 pages, you just create 1 with different blocks that the different groups can see. 
    Topic feed - Thats fine as people can only see their own
    WYSIWYG block - Permission only given to group A
    WYSIWYG block - Permission only given to group B
    Some page builder block- Permission only given to group A
    Some page builder block- Permission only given to group B

    And so on
  9. Marc's post in Getting Close To The End now was marked as the answer   
    You would select the option below those 2 for account related items. I have however created a ticket for you, so we can assist with your billing query
  10. Marc's post in Newletter Questions? was marked as the answer   
    For support issues you would post in here, in the same way you have been in tickets. If its then something that needs to be taken to a private settings, we can take this to email if required, as we do at the moment. 
  11. Marc's post in Zindex error was marked as the answer   
    The issue with this has been resolved on our site. Of course let us know if you see any others
  12. Marc's post in Posts disappearing from board since upgrade to 4.6 was marked as the answer   
    There doesn't appear to have been any update here, so we can only really make the assumption that the issue was resolved. If this is not the case, do feel free to let us know in the ticket created
  13. Marc's post in New Member profile data incorrectly formatted was marked as the answer   
    Have you applied the latest patch within your support area? If not, please apply that and test again. There was a patch release directly related to custom profile fields.
  14. Marc's post in Unvalidated members do not delete after x days [Bug?] was marked as the answer   
    On taking a look at your site there, they appear to be members who are awaiting validation by yourself. The pruning is for members who have not validating their account themselves (email validation). Manual validation needs to be approved or rejected by admin
  15. Marc's post in Format date in the admin panel was marked as the answer   
    Indeed, I suspect the issue is actually the locale that is set
  16. Marc's post in Information associated with IP address fails to resolve was marked as the answer   
    Before you continue there, I would suggest updating your site to the latest release, and then also checking to ensure there is nothing you need to address in the support area of your admin CP.
  17. Marc's post in Validating registrations not showing : a bug ? was marked as the answer   
    As an update to this, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
  18. Marc's post in [Bug] Profile fields IPS 4.6.6 was marked as the answer   
    Just to let you all know, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
  19. Marc's post in Is there a setting to add register button header to mobile? was marked as the answer   
    You would need to revert your globalTemplate there. At some point you have edited that template, and therefore its not updated. So your theme at present doesnt have the changes required to add that menu
  20. Marc's post in Anyone else have issues with date fields for Pages? was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for reporting that. I have just taken a look and can replicate this myself. I've added a bug report so that this can be resolved in a future release 
  21. Marc's post in Changing e-mail logo was marked as the answer   
    You would change the email logo within 'ACP->System>Settings->Email Settings->Email logo'
  22. Marc's post in license Help was marked as the answer   
    This has now been sorted out for you, and I have gone ahead and sorted the domain requested also. Please feel free to respond to the ticket should you have any further issues
  23. Marc's post in Moderators can mark posts as the solution setting? was marked as the answer   
    Not a problem. As suspected by my colleague there, the issue is that the moderator group has restricted moderator permissions on the "forums" tab of moderator permissions. In this case it was the permission "Can set best answer/solved for questions and topics?". Therefore the user was not actually a moderator in that respect
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