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Cristian Romero

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Everything posted by Cristian Romero

  1. Hello, everyone I have a serious problem I am a bitdefender administrator licenses I have since March 20 it turns out that my community that I manage myself as the owner jumps my visitors who have bitdenfeder included with me the following alarm: Anti virus screen message: JS: Trojan.Cryxos.205 screenshot: https://prnt.sc/rjmebg The case that turns out that a user of this application store requests via DM the creation of a theme for my website that has the color of discord. Well the normal thing is that I believe the subject after I pass it on. In this case, I gave him entrance by creating an account with an entrance to the admin panel, that if he could only create, edit, upload, delete topics, the rest of the options were off, the case that I see that same day this man enters the admin panel these changes: test Template updated - (app: core - location: global - group: framework - name: misc.css) 2a02:2f0********* 19/03/20 23:44 test Enabled Lenguaje - English (USA) 2a02:2f0********* 19/03/20 23:29 If anyone can tell me why they did that if they later uploaded their own theme that we have running. even though i went to the default theme restore the changes you made. At the moment I do not know if it was or could be the discord application that I bought just this day, March 20. Where you install a new update may be the discord application to update or that change that made this user the question that the website is infected. We have more than 1000 visits every day we do not want legal problems. please if anyone can help us thanks
  2. Hello, first of all send greetings to all, especially to the developer of discord integration, let's go to the message: Integration request: Currently there is a developer's Discord web application for the forum> Notifications> a wide range of notifications that the forum sends to text channels. but one of them missing is the one that I send when a new group is created in the forum. I have currently changed the name groups to the name of servers which daily many people publish their server discord on my website I wish that on a specific channel when someone does that it actually creates a group in the forum the website will Post to a channel on the server as I am currently doing with support requests. - It really is amazing I would like to have that function soon Kind regards to all
  3. Hello! @Matt Thanks for your advice, we have a community called Discordianos for a long time now we are now associated with Discordapp an application for players. We want to guide you, if possible, the start of a session with a discord, as well as you have integrated facebook, google, twitter among other networks. My Web site: https://www.discordianos.com/ is a registered trademark in the media tv, radio, press will launch we are proud to have your platform ❤️. Sincerely Thank you very much with you since 2013 for more years I hope to continue to greet the staff
  4. Hello, again, thank you very much, it was really eliminated, the truth is that your slider service is excellent. Any problem I will notify you but the truth is great work. Thank you
  5. Hello, again I hope everything is fine. please give me details where to add the code please attach caputra of what I see. I do not know clearly where the code has to go: Sincerely my apologies for the ignorance. thanks for your support
  6. Hi, thanks for your answer you can guide me how to eliminate that white bar. and another thing as I can hide this attached screen caputra: Sincerely, thank you very much
  7. Hello, @TAMAN excellent complement Swiper Slider I just need to know how this for all users the tab that is shown at the top. attached image: Finally, I'm sure you know how to remove this blaca band so that it is on the edge of the attached slider image: Sincerely thank you very much in advance for all your work that makes our lives easier, we are a community that will soon appear in the media TV, Radio, press. regards
  8. Thanks for the answer about the sliding title. there is some way to hide it since each slider created shows the name of the slider in his own would be able to hide it and show only the information of the ad thanks tell me how I can make a hug
  9. hello, they are great work but I need to see how to remove the name of the author attached image link: http://prntscr.com/iedw80. <<< edit cused: apparently it is the name of the slider chosen as I do so that there is no name Something else like remove gray background or change color attached screenshot: http://prntscr.com/iedwob. Thank you very much for everything remember excellent community support themes
  10. Hello my friends Adriano no fun Staff application system after the correct installation when I enter the application in the main tab of the forum, the page in WHITE is attached, screenshot. http://prntscr.com/hx1ehj. http://prntscr.com/hx1esf I pray that it can be solved, that it is a wizard of the applications for these forums, I am waiting for your answer. thank you very much
  11. This problem was solved thanks for the prompt response soon repair, attached screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ggl5c5 I recommend this to great communities the truth is excellent +10 for their creativity
  12. I attached a screenshot of the error in the logs: we are an important brand we want to make use of services
  13. Hello, after the purchase, please make the payment and install the problem is to activate one of them, my forum stops working status activated capture: http://prntscr.com/ggfbf6 - other picture configure to viewer forum result of forum: http://prntscr.com/ggfbus l do not understand what may be happening. I hope a solution thanks
  14. Hello @TAMAN Friend thanks for your topic I have a question in the panel settings of the topic in Swiper Slider> Where to show? I have it marked to be only in pages. As I have several pages for example website.com/inicio other: website.com/vip My question is how can I make so that only sea is in the certain page and not in the other pages since there are several pages only The main page. Url captures where that configuration is located: http://prntscr.com/g7b11h Also give you once again the thanks for all your dedication to the development of this magnificent theme. We wanted to be with you Greetings, I am waiting for your answer, see you
  15. Hi, excellent work, everything is correct and solved. Thank you for these excellent topics, well done for the community. A greeting any problem or bug you find I will immediately report greetings
  16. Hello, again I do not have any code I have the forum as it comes by default. Updated the latest version of forums 4.2.2 in the morning was installed again its topic I do not understand why this problem is happening direct link of the forum https://www.discordianos.com Hi, I respond quickly this only happens with my macbook with safari instead use the other google browser is correctly displayed that we can do attachment caprtura in google. http://prntscr.com/g5vq69
  17. Hello @TAMAN Find a problem in the campaign of the sample notifications in the attached location in the screenshot of the problem
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