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  1. Here are all events with club events visible (perfect): https://www.oly-forum.com/events/ But the widget on the start page doesn't show club events: https://www.oly-forum.com All events visible in the widget are non-club events Andreas PS. All visible for guests, admin access available in client area
  2. I have one or more problems in this community regarding the Calendar widget on the front page: https://www.oly-forum.com/ Main problem is, that events from club calendars do not show up. I'm sure this worked, I think it stopped with IPB version 4.7.18. If I configure the widget it only offers the general calendars for display, not the club calendars. Another issue seems to be that the widget doesn't update when new events are published by members. Is there a cache mechanism which I can trigger for updates? Maybe it's related to this issue:
  3. @Marc gave the crucial tipp in another thread: You have to put the constants.php in the server root. Maybe you have to start over once or twice from the Admin panel. Andreas
  4. Now one of the installations offers the download only of the update – but the link only opens an empty page without download: https://remoteservices.invisionpower.com/download/ips_71b57/?version=107774 Update: Results in Error 500 Andreas
  5. How did you bypass the check? I have exactly the same problem… Andreas
  6. I just tried to update from 4.7.17 to 4.7.18 in multiple forums. All of them failed with the message „There was an error downloading the files to your server.“ As update only the full download is available which takes ages to upload and compare to the server. Is a version of the update available that includes only the changed files? Andreas
  7. Definitely a recent issue. Members complaining since the last update.
  8. Quick guess: Has the client already bought this product? I have this complaint from time to time when members want to buy the premium membership – without realising they already have it… Andreas
  9. I have an issue after the update, that might be related to this one: If the start page is configured to show the „Fluid view“ and no forums are filtered … the performance is dramatically slow. mySQL 8.0.36-28
  10. I had problems with ElasticSearch, but those were solved. I see the InnoDB warnings in the support area, but it's a major project to change the DB tables. But this shouldn't cause errors in the arrival queue? Andreas
  11. Tried that too, didn’t help. I switched off carrousel, categories, new images, nothing helped
  12. Since a few days ago the gallery module is extremely slow, up to no response. https://www.oly-forum.com/gallery/ This applies only to logged in users, guests have no problems. I had the suspicion that it's a problem with unapproved content and checked the approval queue. Here I received an OutOfRangeException. Any ideas what might be the reason? I already asked my provider for slow SQL queries but didn't receive an answer. Andreas OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 [PATH]/system/Content/Item.php(1538): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(0) #1 [PATH]/system/Content/Item.php(1507): IPS\Content\_Item->container() #2 [PATH]/system/Content/Item.php(7155): IPS\Content\_Item->containerWrapper() #3 [PATH]/applications/core/extensions/core/ModCp/Unapproved.php(187): IPS\Content\_Item->canUnhide() #4 [PATH]/applications/core/extensions/core/ModCp/Unapproved.php(78): IPS\core\extensions\core\ModCp\_Unapproved->_getNext() #5 [PATH]/applications/core/modules/front/modcp/modcp.php(114): IPS\core\extensions\core\ModCp\_Unapproved->manage() #6 [PATH]/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\modcp\_modcp->manage() #7 [PATH]/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 [PATH]/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main}
  13. I think I found the issue, it's related to this one: My provider switched to mySQL strict mode during the mySQL update. This triggered an error during the creation of a new account. The table ipb_core_pfields_content had two fields for Stop Forum Spam (not sure if this is still installed), one of them without default value. Looks as if the SQL statement fixes the issue: ALTER TABLE `ipb_core_pfields_content` CHANGE `sfsNextCheck` `sfsNextCheck` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; @Marc Stridgen Does this explain the multiple accounts? Andreas
  14. Update: The error message for the new user comes from the spam defense I think: The first three new accounts have first Level 1 (OK), then it escalates quickly to Level 3 and 4 (most likely and known spammer) Andreas
  15. Issue started yesterday in several of my communities, generating 7 (seven) accounts with each registration attempt. Issue started after update to mySQL 8