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Posts posted by bfarber

  1. 1. You have to scroll to the bottom of the page to mark forums read.

    2. Can't find "My Assistant". Do we still have it?

    3. Everything seems to take up more room.

    4. No "My Albums" link anymore

    Has already been pointed out but...

    1) It was always at the bottom of the page, however it was only previously at the bottom of the board index page. Now it is at the bottom of every page (which I find more convenient personally). What YOU are referring to was the link was duplicated on the view new content page (view new posts) at the top of the screen there. We have not put the link at the top of that page, because it is already at the bottom of EVERY page. Seems redundant to have the same link twice on the search results page (though, naturally, it would be easy for a skinner to add it back in if they disagreed).

    2) There is no my assistant feature anymore. Quite frankly, the feature was relatively useless for the majority of users.

    3) Things have been made slightly bigger to make them easier to read. There are a lot of people with less than perfect eyesight using the internet these days. I, too, prefer smaller sizes - but then again I'm 20-something and my eyesight is perfect. Easy enough to change this in your CSS.

    4) Click your name at the top right, and it's in the list there.

    I also mentioned the lack of the My Gallery link. I've just tried uploading an image to my gallery here. It now takes an extra step to post an image. Previously the most common way would be to:

    1. Click on "My Album"

    2. Click on your member name on the last submitted image

    3. That takes you to your gallery and you have the upload new content buttons.

    But now in V3:

    1. Select My Profile from the drop down at the top right hand side

    2. Click on the Gallery tab

    3. Click on an image or on the image title

    4. Move up in the navigation link one place by clicking on your name e.g. select 3DKiwi from Invision Power Services>Gallery>Member's Gallery>3DKiwi>Photo Title

    5. Finally you get to the same place as step 3 above.

    If someone knows a quicker way then I'd be very pleased to hear it. The method I just described in V3 will be beyond many people to figure out.

    Nigel / 3DKiwi

    1) Click your name at the top right, and choose My Gallery (instead of My Profile).
    2) Click one of your albums
    3) Click "New Image"

    It's the same as 2.3, with the exception that you have to click your name at the top right first.
  2. This forum is for feature suggestions and feedback for IPB, not support. :)

    There will be no official upgrade path from betas to RC. Your ioncube error has been discussed many times in the appropriate customer support forum.

  3. Oh, I was looking at 3.0 when I posted that. Unfortunately 2.3 requires an additional modification.

    In 2.3.6 you'll see something like

    $this->create_local_member( $username, $password, $email );

    Change to

    $this->create_local_member( $username, $password, $email, $this->ldap_config['ldap_group_map'][ $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_group_id']][0] ] );

    Then you have to modify loginauth/login_core.php to accept the group id

    function create_local_member( $username, $password, $email_address='', $group_id=0 )

    And to pass it to the internal method

    $member = $this->_create_local_member( $username, $md_5_password, $email_address, $group_id );

    And then the internal method needs to accept it

    function _create_local_member( $username, $md5_password, $email_address='', $joined='', $ip_address='', $group_id=0 )

    And then of course store it in the db

    'mgroup'                 => $group_id ? $group_id : $this->ipsclass->vars['member_group'],

    Really we're starting to veer off course here. As you can see, it's much easier to do this in 3.x. ;)

  4. For the record, I've done modifications to map AD groups to IPB groups - it's relatively simple to be honest.

    In IPB 3, for instance...

    In the conf.php file add something like the following

    $LOGIN_CONF['ldap_group_map'] = array( 'group1' => 3, 'group2' => 3, // Extend as needed

    $LOGIN_CONF['ldap_group_id']            = 'ldapGroupCol';

    The first config value will tell IPB which field in LDAP contains the "group id". The second is an array that maps the returned value to a group id in IPB. You will need to change these values accordingly.

    At the end of the file find

    $LOGIN_CONF['additional_fields'] = '';

    and change to

    $LOGIN_CONF['additional_fields'] = 'ldapGroupCol';

    This is, again, the field in your AD that has the group membership information.

    Then in auth.php where you see

    'members_display_name' => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] : $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_email_field']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_email_field']][0] : $email_address, ) ) );

                        $this->member_data = $this->createLocalMember( array( 'members' => array( 'name'                 => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] : $username, 

    could change it to something like

    'members_display_name' => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] : $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_email_field']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_email_field']][0] : $email_address, // ADDED THIS 'member_group_id' => $this->ldap_config['ldap_group_map'][ $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_group_id']][0] ], ) ) );

                        $this->member_data = $this->createLocalMember( array( 'members' => array( 'name'                 => $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] ? $this->fields[$this->ldap_config['ldap_display_name']][0] : $username, 

    This is just an example and may need tweaking for your situation, but I've used something similar in the past without issue. You can use the additional_fields to pull other fields and then modify auth.php to do something with those as well (one example was, for a store using LDAP, I've modified it to check an "employment status" field to ensure that only active employees could access the forums). :)

  5. 1. If try to create lang_pack via "Copy language pack" - no new directory created in cache/lang_cache.

    Known (and fixed in RC1) bug

    2. After search we get table with "Default Value" and "New Value" colunms, but there is no information in what word pack it's found. Whether probably to add colunm with link to pack?

    Will be in RC1

    3. php close tag (?>) in lang files - it's not necessary?

    PHP closing tags are never required in PHP files, and Zend actually recommends omitting them to reduce the possibility of sending whitespace before headers.

    4. "Add new entry" from word pack dropdown menu - word pack name not copy to "Pack Name" field.

    Good find. Will be in RC1 (I'd consider this a bug really)

    5. Removal (delete) function is necessary for word and word pack.

    Agreed. Will try to get this into RC1 as well.

    Thanks for the feedback. :)
  6. You must have a license for IP.Board in order to download the software. We do not publicly release test copies of the software, however we do allow you to create an online demo.


  7. :o :o :blink:

    Are you being serious????

    Yup. My brother has a Helios last I knew.

    Anyways, we will most likely be configuring the lofi-mapping to capture more mobile user agents than we have presently. ;) It's only basically configured for testing, and as I said, the lofi skin is largely broken atm.

  8. Majority of users use Nokia and Sony Ericsson phone, it is important to support this..

    Lofi is kinda boring, its not attractive.

    Perhaps where you are from the majority of users have those phones, but I can't think of a single person I know that does. :) This is why the user-agent mapping is configurable. ;)

    And the lofi is meant to be boring. :blink: It's meant to be ... well ... lofi - less (or no) images, no javascript, basic colors, so that on a mobile device it loads faster and can display data on a smaller screen. It is a skin, however, so feel free to tweak it on your site once it's released.
  9. The lofi skin is going to be one of the last things we finish, because it's basically just a stripped down version of the main skin - and we want to ensure the main skin is "done" before we create the lofi skin based off of it (to prevent having to apply bug fixes to multiple skins and so forth).

  10. The link is for debugging, and a link to the topic with more information has been posted.

    I think that answers your original questions. Topics about "swine flu" or other non-feedback topics should be kept to the general chat forums. ;)

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