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Nick Willson

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Everything posted by Nick Willson

  1. Thank you for the PM the patch works great thanks
  2. Yes I have FTP access so would appreciate the patch.
  3. Fantastic that works great - maybe this should be added as a setting in a future version rather than being hard coded? To perfect my video system can you help with one thing that you helped me change in 3.4.X. On an individual video page I want the feed block to display the other videos from within that particular category rather than list videos from all categories or videos one or more specific categories? Thanks in anticipation
  4. My video description text is only approx six lines long so I would like to remove the 'Read more...' and always have the description text full expanded. Can you let me know if this is possible and how to achieve it? Many thanks
  5. Hi The advanced footer is great and I have recently added it to my site. One small issue I have found is that when I add staff member in alphabetical order they are displayed the first time correctly, however whenever I change any config in the plugin and save it, the order changes to be on what looks likely to be member_id order. To display them in alphabetical order again it is necessary to delete them all add them all again and save, which works until the next config change. Is it possible to fix this? Many thanks Nick
  6. Apologies, I realised 3.0.1 was installed so removed and re-installed 3.0.5 which fixed the issue. Weird I know, might have been an interaction with another plugin or something.
  7. Thank you for picking this up so quickly. I can confirm that the demos at that link all work fine on the ipad
  8. I have noticed that on an iPad (ios 9.3.5) the cookie notice works in Safari but a strange message is displayed in Chrome and Firefox. It continues to appear with Request Desktop Site, although it appears as a footer message. I understand the wording may be that used as a Facebook JavaScript Console Warning? Any assistance with this will be most welcome. Thanks Nick
  9. Hi Adriano I recently purchased Contact Us 1.1.4 and installed it and it great! However the Contact Us links in error boxes still go to the IPS standard contact us form rather then the plug-in. e.g. The link provided on the error pages such as "Sorry, there is a problem. We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2T254/2" Is this unique to me, a bug or am I missing something? Thanks in anticpation Many thanks Nick
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