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Achievement In Motion

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Posts posted by Achievement In Motion

  1. 18 minutes ago, aXenDev said:

    Yes, but you have to write more specific what you mean to be sure.

    So I'm hosting game servers, for clients that dont know how to setup sourcebans I found that this may be a simple addition to my services, but I only want to grant administrative rights to manage bans to server owners for their respective servers. (although i understand the bans would be global to all servers we host) 

  2. 3 hours ago, Elision Magazine said:

    Also a couple more things.

    How can I change this to an SVGs from the back-end theme editor (not the uploads as invision doesnt allow uploads and some themes do use SVGs) to replace the logo:

    Could contain: Logo


    Can you on the next update allow the latest version of font awesome to be used on the theme and how can I change the fa for the following tabs:Could contain: Landscape, Nature, Outdoors, Panoramic, Scenery, LightCould contain: Light, Electronics, Computer, Mobile Phone, PhoneCould contain: Text, Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Texting, Menu


    Lastly, what are you using to display the widget that reads out better statistics and how do I remove the wavey background or replace the wavey background from the following:

    Could contain: Adult, Male, Man, Person, Helmet, Text, Face, HeadCould contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Text

    Also is there a way to size down the image as you see in the screenshot below the logo section on the top left of the image sized perfectly but the custom footer location didnt size the image, any chance we could see an update doing this?

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Face, Head

  3. Also a couple more things.

    How can I change this to an SVGs from the back-end theme editor (not the uploads as invision doesnt allow uploads and some themes do use SVGs) to replace the logo:

    Could contain: Logo


    Can you on the next update allow the latest version of font awesome to be used on the theme and how can I change the fa for the following tabs:Could contain: Landscape, Nature, Outdoors, Panoramic, Scenery, LightCould contain: Light, Electronics, Computer, Mobile Phone, PhoneCould contain: Text, Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Texting, Menu


    Lastly, what are you using to display the widget that reads out better statistics and how do I remove the wavey background or replace the wavey background from the following:

    Could contain: Adult, Male, Man, Person, Helmet, Text, Face, HeadCould contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Text

  4. 10 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Only your email host can answer that question unfortunately, as it's the email host that is returning the message

    Absolutely valid but that’s why I posted the second link it seems as though if we are using pop3 and paying for email services through google/Microsoft if you have a look they require oAuth 2.0 implementation to call to pop and the one in invision is setup using legacy pop3 structure which is depreciated due to security flaws.

  5. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-deprecation-in-exchange-online-time-s-up/ba-p/3695312


    Application developers who have built apps that send, read, or otherwise process email using these protocols will be able to keep the same protocol, but need to implement secure, Modern authentication experiences for their users. This functionality is built on top of Microsoft Identity platform v2.0 and supports access to Microsoft 365 email accounts.

    If your in-house application needs to access IMAP, POP and SMTP AUTH protocols in Exchange Online, follow these step-by-step instructions to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication:  Authenticate an IMAP, POP, or SMTP connection using OAuth. Additionally, use this PowerShell script Get-IMAPAccesstoken.ps1 to test IMAP access after your OAuth enablement on your own in a simple way including the shared mailbox use case. If this is successful, just make a confident next step talk to your application owner of your vendor or internal business partner.


    Not sure if this is relevant but it could be why pop3 isn’t working and giving me the username/password error cause of the changes, but regardless of it being office or google it just doesn’t work 😞

  6. I’ve tried everything. Using office365 and google workspace to no avail. I’m trying to setup the following -

    using pop3 and I get an error saying the connection goes through but the password/username is incorrect. I’m using the paid for private domain emails. I have pop3 enabled (checked with office365 support and google support as I switched over to google thinking it was an office365 issue. Does anyone know of a work around or can confirm experiencing this issue? This is the exact error -Connection was established but the server rejected the login. Check the username and password and try again.

  7. My community is installed here: https://achievementinmotion.net/f/ 

    Currently links only work if you have page specific links ie. https://achievementinmotion.net/f/index.php?/forum/19-news-announcements/

    Any idea how to fix this as I cant even access ACP

    Im hosting with Hostinger, also found out something really odd, i cant get direct support anymore within the client area of invision although my license doesnt expire until the fall

  8. 16 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You would need development in order to create your own SSO for this. You can find our developer guides in the following location

    If it does have OAuth 2.0 you may be able to use the built in login method for this, if its just allowing people to log in using logins created on that platform. If that is the case, take a look here

    SVG is not a type that is allowed by default for logos. If you wish to use a SVG file you would need to manually add that to your theme


    What would be the best way to do this? Also what would be the best way to integrate my website theme into invision so the platform looks seamless?

  9. Is there a reason why when using a normal member account I'm unable to create forum posts within collabs when joining a group that I never created? This is the message I received:

    Sorry, there is a problem

    The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

    Error code: 2S100/2

  10. Thats member management, and yes, GC does that. Member permissions, roles, ranks, and invite system is all included.

    I believe that the roster management request is in reference to building some sort of a tournament management system into GC.

    But that would be a separate app with its own objectives and its own price point. 

    ​Again even if you want to separate the two yet make it an addition (Addon feature per say) I would be glad to pay the extra. As it tops of what is already a work in progress, something great. For most people, I'm sure would agree, we look for 1 tool that does the trick, not 10x tools that combine together to do the trick. Pretty much trying to sum up, that if you can improve and make 10x tools to 1 tool, then why not? If you want to make more money because its more work, then sure make it an addon for collabs. But if you want to drive sales (as your 75$ price point being steep as it is, remember currency exchange kills people from buying and the way the dollar is in canada were paying about 93$ taxes in.) grow on this project and add needed features.

  11. I see that you purchased the app and gave it a review. Thanks so much for that, I really appreciate it!

    But you docked me a star because it isnt a roster management app also? Man, thats harsh.

    Ive never claimed that it is a roster management app nor is it supposed to be. It is a collaborative app that allows you to designate apps (such as a roster management app) for collaborative use.

    Its outside the scope of what GC does, and it is just impractical to make it more than that.

    You want to use it for teams, someone else wants to use it for client project management, yet another person wants to use it for school groups. Should the guy who wants to use GC to help facilitate his collaboration with clients expect GC to manage his timesheets also?

    I do apologize that you got the message as that, in-fact reading my review ​I get where you're coming from and how you could've got the idea that I docked a start regarding that, but I docked it because it lacked features that were necessary at the time one didn't even exist. So I'm sorry if I offended you, but one of those features was being able to TOR the collab to another user, and now its added, but thats just one of many add-ons I'm sure you will release over time. Don't forget people should also be able to rename widgets.. There's plenty of admin features missing and different way's to monetize. But I'm patient enough to wait for. 

    Now if I didn't like the product I wouldn't have purchased it, as I did test out the demo thoroughly. Yes I'd love to see the collab receive some sort of support for the gamer's who want to run a team with such a beautiful  system and I'm sure I'm not the only one out here. Yes you may deem it impractical but I will put my money down on the fact that more people running a community of the sort will start purchasing your product if you change the train of though you've got and speak to the masses. 

    This product not only works for gamers, but other people running professional business's or better yet just running a forum board for whatever reason. But if you seclude a feature that would make your product grow, well now thats just dumb.

    Currently as it sit's, its a work in progress, the product is great, but does it deserve a 5 star? Well not in my books it doesn't and thats because nothing is ever perfect. Perfect is a pretty bold word and it takes a product thats been out for a while to achieve that status. Think this way my friend, there's always room to grow, and if you can achieve it, then do it. But don't turn down ideas that are only there to help you, if you can't do it now, sit on it. But if its logically only going to make you grown, don't just shun it.

    Again no I didn't give you a 4 star because you didn't add one simple feature, nor did I say or read anywhere that it brought that to the table. I was merely giving you my two cents, and its yours for the taking. I gave it a 4 star because it deserved a 4 star. If I was being harsh then it would receive less. But don't think that even if you added that feature you would've gotten a 5 star.

    You will have to earn that 5 star.

    Kind Regards,

    Abdul Rahim

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