I've tried to update my test forum to 4.1.19b3 and it seems that AT&P isn't compatible with this version. Prefix aren't visible, just as mentionned in
Furthermore, in support tools, there is database error in relation with the app:
ALTER TABLE `IPB_forums_forums` CHANGE COLUMN `require_prefix` `require_prefix` TINYINT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'AT&P: Require a prefix'
ALTER TABLE `IPB_forums_forums` CHANGE COLUMN `show_prefix_in_desc` `show_prefix_in_desc` TINYINT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'AT&P: Show prefixes on index'
ALTER TABLE `IPB_forums_topic_mmod` CHANGE COLUMN `topic_prefix` `topic_prefix` INT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'AT&P: Topic prefix'
If needed, I can give an access to my test forum.