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    ric4rdo reacted to Adriano Faria in Error with furl changes   
    You can change the furl.json file in the applications/APP/data folder and rebuild cache later. But I'm not sure it works. 
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    ric4rdo reacted to Spanner in Error with furl changes   
    In 4.1.16 this error
  3. Sad
    ric4rdo reacted to onlyME in Videobox   
    No, Im not
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    ric4rdo reacted to BN_IT_Support in Global Header Message   
    IPS style header block for displaying messages and links across the the top of your board. Use either the built in message formats or set you own custom formatting.
    Show/Hide Message. Select which groups can see the message. 4 built in message formats. Custom message format including; icon, text colour and alignment, background colour.  
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    ric4rdo reacted to onlyME in Videobox   
    VideoBox is an application that allows sharing various video embed codes from Picasa, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or MP4. The best choice to run your own Movies/TV Shows website.

    2 display modes: Grid view & List view. Categories/subcategories. Custom fields for video's informations. Can choose Protect Fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video. Quicksearch menu. Search videos by title, content, custom field, tags,... Video Collection system. Various widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in slider, collections in carousel,... Pages system: easy to add new page with custom content. Using Videojs to display video embed codes from Picasa, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion. Support subtitles *.vtt extension (For MP4, Youtube, Picasa, Dailymotion, not Vimeo). Watermark on video player. Friendly URL. Comment system. Rating system. BUY IT NOW
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    ric4rdo reacted to Grumpy in Tools & commands to diagnose problems   
    Well, I've seen quite a few requests for help in this forum now and I thought I'd gather a number of tools you can use to report your status. This will help others help you faster. :D That and additional ability to help yourself as well.

    Helpful information
    The following are information that's often crucial to diagnosing problems.
    What is the environment you are running your website from? IPB Hosting / Shared hosting / VPS / Cloud / Dedicated Server? If VPS/Cloud/Dedi, what are your cpu, ram and disk availability?

    The following are tools you can run in order to gather further data. These can be run from ssh and is only accessible for vps, cloud and dedicated servers for linux distributions.

    top - Top processes (very useful for any scenario) | top is usually available in all linux OS distros by default.

    top (this will constantly output your server's general status as well as top processes, default in CPU usage order) top n -1 (same as above, but will output your first stat instead of constant loop) If you'd like more colourful version. There is also htop (usually not available by default. Can get here: http://htop.sourceforge.net/ or rpmforge ) iostat - Input/Output Statistics (very useful in diagnosing disk usage) | iostat is part of sysstat package.

    iostat (this will output general stats regarding IO) iostat -x 10 5 (this will output extra information for 5 times total with 10 second intervals. First stat is always "since boot" and after is since last report) sar - System Activity Reporter (Displays system performance over time) | sar is part of sysstat package

    sar mpstat - Multiprocessor Usage (Displays system stats in relative to CPU) | mpstat is part of sysstat package

    mpstat Apache Status (Outputs the apache status) | apachectl status, as name suggests requres apache to get the stats. You will also need to have a shell browser to run.

    apachectl status (This outputs the simplified current status) apachectl fullstatus (This outputs the detailed current status. Please be warned that this will list all users and their requests. So, you will want to remove any IP address and further private information) Connections

    netstat -an | grep :80 | wc -l (This lets us know how many people are connected to your server on port 80 [http]) Uptime (How long you've been up)

    uptime vmstat - virtual memory statistics (This is actually not related to virtualization. This is about your swap)

    vmstat free (Shows your memory statistics)

    free free -m (In megabytes) free -g (In gigabytes) beancounters (Shows your limits) | Only for those with VPS/Cloud systems

    cat /proc/user_beancounters ifstat (Gives live information about network usage on each network interface)

    ifstat iftop (Similar to ifstat, but per user and top behavior)

    iftop mysqltuner (Gives information and suggestions about your current mysql configuration) | Available at below address Available at: http://mysqltuner.pl/ You can run the mysqltuner with perl (chmod to 755 and run or call with perl) and type in your administrative mysql user id/pass. mysqlmymon Available at: http://mysqlmymon.com/ Similar to mysqltuner, but lot more information about everything else too! This is mostly meant to serve as an all-in-one tool. MySQL Workbench http://www.mysql.com...ucts/workbench/ This is a GUI tool that helps you administer, diagnose and plan. (Complete) Monitoring Solutions Nagios (Everything - heavy learning curve) http://www.nagios.org/ Cacti (Network) http://www.cacti.net/ vnstat (Much more simple network usage logger) http://humdi.net/vnstat/ Useful to Know Settings MySQL settings | Only if you have mysql The settings are often found at: /etc/my.cnf Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. Apache/HTTPD settings | Only if you have apache The settings are often found at: /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf If you have WHM/cPanel, please look inside WHM instead. Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. Nginx Settings | Only if you have nginx The settings are often found at: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. PHP Information (information regarding your current php build) | Available only to PHP users... for obvious reasons. To get full php information, there are 2 easy ways. One, make a php file with the below contents and save.

    <?php phpinfo(); ?> Or via shell

    php -i

    I'll add more if people suggest other tools.
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