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Posts posted by FFOC

  1. Hey guys, I just wanted to say, I raised a support ticket and got my main forum online.


    I have since attempted to do this again but started afresh. I made a new user as a webmaster on my server just for this and used this for file transfers. I switched off my live site temporarily. I made a new database and uploaded the backup dump from the live. I uploaded the new conf_global file to the webspace first with all of the database connection information and new sub domain link, then copied all  of the other files and folders from the live backup, leaving out the original con_global file, and the datastore folder. I then made a new datastore folder.

    Once this was completed I loaded the site which came up a little funny at first, like no theme etc but had the links, I found the ACP one and entered it, this page was the same but managed to get to the support section and select 'something isn't working correctly'. Once I had done this the page still looked like it was missing a theme. I refreshed both the test site, and the test ACP and it all came up fine, all icons the lot.


    I am not sure what went wrong before but this seems ok so far 'touches a lot of wood'. I thought I would put this up so if anyone else hits the same problem then this may help those who are like me, new to all of this.


    Many thanks. I am sure I will have more questions the further I delve into this but it is a start. Any pointers on learning material then please send them my way.

  2. Just now, Nathan Explosion said:

    Sorry, I'm out - can't help further based on just text, I'd need to be hands-on to assist and I've not got time to do that.

    No problem, thank you for your help, I feel there is an underlying issue with my live site causing this. I have just removed all of my test install files. I have restored my live site ones and it is running, but as soon as I go into ACP, System, Support, 'something's not working' I get this:


    No sooner have I done this and got this screen, my site goes down. Recommended changes are to do with cURL, The database issues are 

    UPDATE `ffoc_core_output_cache` SET `cache_expire`=0 WHERE `cache_expire` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `ffoc_core_output_cache` CHANGE COLUMN `cache_expire` `cache_expire` INT (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Unix timestamp of when the cache expires';

    If I run these the results are:


    And my site stays down until I restore the saved files again.


  3. I need to have a good look at how I am doing things then, everything is done as root for my server, as it is primarily used for this. I have some spare domains so I will try and use one of those. I will make an FTP account for each so they are separate too. My main site is still up and down now, as soon as I touch anything in the support section of ACP it goes garbled. This is the main reason I want to check I am doing things correctly using a test install first.

    a few questions to get me started again:

    1: as my main site has gone funny, is it worth uploading all of the backed up files again, and the database dump? It only had a handful of posts since saving these so nothing major.

    2: Should I remove all files from my sub domain I was trying to set the test install on to prevent further conflict at the moment?

    3: How do I change the testinstall domain on my license?

    7 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Thought so, specifically the theme resources.

    The conf_global doesn't control those items you see in the ACP, you have to modify them to match up to your installation.

    1. Go to the Configurations tab - create a new storage method that matches to your TEST site
    2. Back to the Storage Settings and modify each entry to use the newly created storage method.
    3. Allow it to do its stuff.




    These did match my sub domain initially, since my live site has gone down it now doesn't.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:


    Go to the ACP, go to System -> Files -> Storage Settings. Are they all pointing to your live site folders, or to the test site's folders?

    Pretty sure you're sharing data files...

    From the limited view I have of ACP at the moment I shows the test ones point to the test folders. I currently cannot get into the ACP for the live site now.

    Is it worth deleting all of my test files now to try and get my live site running again, then go from there?

    I really do appreciate all of this help and bearing with me



  5. 1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I'm going to ask the obvious questions, going right back to the very start of the process

    1. Have you definitely modified your conf_global.php file to point to the correct database?
    2. Have you definitely modified your conf_global.php file to change the base_url from https://ffoc.co.uk to https://testing.ffoc.co.uk ?

    Also...are you still 'restoring' the live site's datastore content to the test site's datastore folder, or have you stopped doing that as previously advised? Each site has its OWN datastore content, and you should not restore the live site's content to the test site.

    1: yes, and 2: yes.


    To make it easier, I literally copied my whole site, all of the files, to my new sub domain. I then amended the conf_global file to reflect the new database details and sub domain. I did this as that is what the guide says to do. So this will copy the datastore ones too.

    This is where I get the testinstall semi working. When I go to do anything, support/somethings wrong etc, it all goes garbled like above, the only way to get it back to allow me to the site or admincp is re-copying the backed up datastore files. If I don't do this I cannot get back into the admin cp.


    I am happy to not do this again, or go into the datastore folder and delete the contents on my testinstall if that is what is needed, but that is where I am stuck. 


    I am sorry if it seems like you are teaching very basic things, I want to learn it all but do not know where to start, I inherited this to keep our car clubs forum running, otherwise we would have lost it so I get i have a steep learning curve.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    You need to make those directories writable. Chmoding things 0777 isn't a great recommendation says let anything with access to this filesystem read, write, and execute things. To resolve this, the account that is executing the PHP on your server (either your web server account or your php-fpm account) need to be able to write to these directories. I realize you think things may get worse when you do this, however there is no path forward where these directories are not writable by that account.

    Secondly, you'll need to verify that if you're using redis or elasticsearch, or any other resource in conjunction with your site that your test site is not hitting the same one as your live site. In an ideal world, you'd not be doing this on the same environment as your production site.

    Thirdly, you'll then need to wipe cache (ACP > System > Support > Something's wrong)

    As soon as I do anything like choose somethings wrong, my test site goes all messed up like above. I have had it stable until that point as in I can click around it etc, minus the icons. I only cHModded the directories that it recommended me too.

    Messed up is this, and it stays like this until i copy the datastore files back over, then goes back to the current problem:


    Following on from my last reply, one of the links points to the FONTAWESOME icons on my live site, NOT, to the directory in my test site, which I guess is why they are not showing but i do not know why they are looking there.


    When I do select something is wrong and it shows, it comes up with 2 database errors mentioned above which do not exist according to the query result from running the fixes. What shows when doing this, is identical to what shows on my live site, which is working

    I have taken this over, and learnt how to get to where i am myself, but for some reason I cannot get the test site to work. Which will then only leave me of the option of upgrading the live site without checking it which is obviously a risk.

  7. I have just right clicked on one of the missing icons in AdminCP and selected inspect on Chrome. This comes up as errors in the console:




    Is this my issue? Does this mean permissions are still invalid or is it something else?


    EDIT: I think I have found the issue but not sure how to rectify it. It seems to be trying to look for the icons from the live site domain, as my test is on a sub domain this is obviously not being allowed. How do I get it to point at my sub domain's files?

  8. I have changed those directories to what it needs to be, I needed to refresh my license data in the AdminCP about 28 times to clear the notifications. I ran the system check again and it all came back fine, but my icons are still missing! I have a datastorage warning still, this won't clear until I go to save the datastorage settings, even though I haven't changed them, it asks me to download a new costants.php file, when I click this my test site freezes and now displays this:



    This is where I get too, I haven't got a clue what is going wrong, just from changing the permissions to the recommended. If I go into my FTP and re-upload the original backup folder for datastore from my live site, it recovers and my test site will load again, but still with no icons. I have gone in and completed the system check and everything shows as green and normal as it should.


    Can I confirm that the icons should show on a test site, or are the restricted to stop people using it as a second place? As at the moment everything seems stable with this exception. For those still following, here is the link to my test site and the link to my live one, so you can see the difference:




  9. 15 hours ago, Paul E. said:

    Your folders (datastore, uploads, etc.) are only writable by the owner of the folders. Who is the owner of these folders? Is it the same user that your web server (or PHP-fpm) is running as?

    Going to ACP > Support > System Check will show issues.

    This is where I got to the first time I did this. These were the issues raised:



    I went into Putty as my root and changed these as it said, and this is where my issues started, it all went corrupt and garbled, if I restored the datastore files it worked again but only as it did the first time with the missing icons.


    Why does the Applications, Plugins, and Uploads/logs say what to change to, but the Datastore and Uploads doesn't?

  10. @bfarber I have re-uploaded all of the files again, it seems more stable but the icons are still missing as shown in my first post. I have added the constants.php file with the following added to it:


    This is what my folders look like on my file manager on the server:


    Am I missing something? I don't want to do anything else in case you want to see for yourself the issue at the links above as last time i tried to adjust something it went garbled.


  11. 2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    Are your folders writable on the test installation? i.e. the /datastore folder and the /uploads folder (and all files and folders underneath both)? If not, that would likely explain the issue you're running into.

    Hi bfarber,


    Yes they were. It highlighted this straight away. When I changed them to 0777 was when my issues started, other than the symbols missing. I am just removing the files from the test location, and going to upload the original copied ones again, then check the file permissions and see what happens now i have the TESTINSTALL licence setup.

  12. Further, even though my AdminCP (And the site) screen looks like this:


    I can still try things. The upgrade, is the Invision software which I am trying to get to do, lol. The recommended changes are to do with Curl. The DB ones, if I click fix this, then scroll down to the bottom of the page, it says this:

    There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are:

    UPDATE `ffoc_core_output_cache` SET `cache_expire`=0 WHERE `cache_expire` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `ffoc_core_output_cache` CHANGE COLUMN `cache_expire` `cache_expire` INT (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Unix timestamp of when the cache expires';


    I have ran this and both come back with :


    So not sure what that means if the results are zero.

  13. Could it be a DB issue? I ask as since reuploading the copied files it has failed again, however before it did, the datastore warning didn't appear in the AdminCP this time, I went through the support to click 'something isn't working' and it said i had errors in the DB, although again, this is a exported dump from the original live one.


    It said these earlier too and it went 'corrupt' when i tried to fix them, same as when i tried to fix the datastore bit.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Those 'errors' are icons from font-awesome....you are going to have to provide a link to your sites for anyone to help you, I think. A screenshot only presents a picture....a link gives the full picture.

    I have just had to re-upload the original copied files.

    My live site is http://www.ffoc.co.uk

    My test one is www.testing.ffoc.co.uk

    Other than a couple of extra recent posts on the live one, they should be identical. The only difference between them should be the domain, and the database details, but I get the errors shown above on the test one. The test one isn't yet behind a password, but will be once this is sorted to prevent users accessing it other than myself and other admins to test bits in the future before migrating them to the live site.


  15. 1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Does that directory, that exact path, actually exist?

    You shouldn't really be restoring anything into the datastore folder. It's created on the fly, and is specific to the site being accessed. www.domain.com and test.domain.com would have different datastore content.

    For the first question, yes.

    For the second, I copied my website/forum files as it describes in the moving server guide:

    I followed what it said regarding changing the values in the conf_global file to point at the new database (Copied data again) and the test site.

    I can now run the test site, but these errors are appearing. It is pretty much a replica of my live site, up to the point of backing it up that is, as I wanted to check everything was fine and thought that was the best way if all the data was on it too.

    I know I am missing something I haven't done, but not sure what exactly.

  16. I have finally got my test install working sort of, after hours of trying to figure out why. However, it is returning some issues, I don't have some of the symbols on the test forum or AdminCP like these pictured:




    Images like avatars etc are all fine. I also have an error about Data Storage, it said a few directories were not CHMOD 0777, so I changed them. These were Applications, Upload/Logs, Datastore and another I think. These all appeared to be fine with the exception of the datastore one, my admincp and forum test pages both go all garbled as soon as this one is done. If I restore the datastore files from my live forum it returns back to the above.

    I am trying to have it so I can upgrade this and check it is fine, like you should, before I mess with the actual live website. My learning curve is vast, but being an engineer by trade, I am a quick learner., especially when I understand what certain things do.

    This is the warning now in AdminCP:




    The setting here are the same as my live site, with the exception of the /testing.ffoc.co.uk


    Does anyone know what is going wrong? If I ignore this and go to upgrade, download the files manually and install them, overwriting where prompted like it asks, the system check comes back everything is fine, I enter my login details on the upgrade screen, then it all goes down again. The only way I can recover it is if I write over the new upgrade files with the old ones again but then I am back to square 1.

  17. Me again, I am getting my head around the ACP settings in IPS4.4. 

    My groups go from guest (unregistered) into Restricted members (registered but not subscribed) I can make a group for called validating and would like all new registered users to go into this group until they validate their email, once this is done then they will be promoted to the registered members group. I don’t seem to be able to make this rule in the promotions or anywhere.


    Is it possible? I basically don’t want non validated members to be able to submit content for approval at all but can’t find the option for this.

  18. Hey guys,


    I am trying to link to a specific section of the guidelines instead of members scrolling through them all etc. I have named the header of the section but when trying to add the link to the URL box shown here, the # bit disappears and it just ends up linking to the top of the guidelines page instead of halfway down it.


    Can this be done on the guidelines bit or do I need pages to make this work?

  19. @Joel R, many thanks for the reply. I have just seen this. I have sorted it now. My new server wouldn’t work with PHP5.4 which the old site was running, and I couldn’t upgrade the old one to IPB 4 because of the same issue.


    I have managed to do a new install but using the old database so kept all of the information at least. I just need to learn the rest to make it look not as basic now but I am getting their following guides and advice from here.

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