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Nathan Explosion

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Community Answers

  1. Nathan Explosion's post in Can I import a calendar from Google Calendar? was marked as the answer   

  2. Nathan Explosion's post in HTTP Error 500 after upgrading PHP from 7.2 to 7.3 was marked as the answer   
    Make sure you have PHP's mbstring extension loaded.
  3. Nathan Explosion's post in Calendar Bug - Need urgent help was marked as the answer   
    Removed direct code edit information
  4. Nathan Explosion's post in See who reacted to your post? was marked as the answer   
    Group setting

  5. Nathan Explosion's post in How to disable auto jump to last reply/comment??? was marked as the answer   
    Member profiles settings in the ACP:

  6. Nathan Explosion's post in Banned User Redirect? was marked as the answer   
    Check your PMs - just threw something together over lunch.
  7. Nathan Explosion's post in Shoutcast 2 Functionality Radio Audio HTML5\Flash was marked as the answer   
    Use the following HTML in your content source:
    <audio controls> <source src="URL"> </audio> OR <audio src="URL" controls></audio> Video:
    <video controls> <source src="URL"> </video> OR <video src="URL" controls></video>
  8. Nathan Explosion's post in How to remove Thread name change displayed to users was marked as the answer   
    Template: forums -> front -> topics -> topic
    <ul class='ipsTopicMeta'> {{if isset( $comment->metaData['comment']['moderation'] )}} {{foreach $comment->metaData['comment']['moderation'] as $modAction}} <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--moderation"> <span class='ipsTopicMeta__time ipsType_light'>{datetime="$modAction['row']['ctime']" short="true"}</span> <span class='ipsTopicMeta__action'>{$modAction['blurb']}</span> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}} {{if isset( $comment->metaData['comment']['timeGap'] )}} <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--time"> {$comment->metaData['comment']['timeGap']['blurb']}... </li> {{endif}} </ul> Remove the following from within that:
    {{if isset( $comment->metaData['comment']['moderation'] )}} {{foreach $comment->metaData['comment']['moderation'] as $modAction}} <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--moderation"> <span class='ipsTopicMeta__time ipsType_light'>{datetime="$modAction['row']['ctime']" short="true"}</span> <span class='ipsTopicMeta__action'>{$modAction['blurb']}</span> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}} Keep in mind that will also remove any other moderation action logs that this section might contain - not seen anything else myself, but there may be something else.
  9. Nathan Explosion's post in SOLVED: Changing Group Formatting for Group Names was marked as the answer   
    By putting the colour in to the html code...
    <span style="color:green"><strong>Group name</strong></span>  
  10. Nathan Explosion's post in Can you force a main picture in articles? was marked as the answer   
  11. Nathan Explosion's post in What/why is this sidebar block appearing next to forum post? was marked as the answer   
    Go to your ACP, type 'topic summary' and enjoy...
  12. Nathan Explosion's post in display category description on the list of posts was marked as the answer   
    The template you would need to edit it is forums -> front -> topics ->topic.
    Search for the following in there:
    {{if $topic->canEdit()}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' data-controller="core.front.core.moderation"> <span data-role="editableTitle" title='{lang="click_hold_edit"}'>{$topic->title}</span> </span> {{else}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <span>{$topic->title}</span> </span> {{endif}} Within that, you can add in the following items to display information about the forum:
    {$topic->container()->metaTitle()} {$topic->container()->metaDescription()} Example - replacing the above with the below gives you the result in the image:
    {{if $topic->canEdit()}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' data-controller="core.front.core.moderation"> <span data-role="editableTitle" title='{lang="click_hold_edit"}'>{$topic->title}</span> <br> <span>{$topic->container()->metaTitle()}</span> <span>{$topic->container()->metaDescription()}</span> </span> {{else}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <span>{$topic->title}</span> <br> <span>{$topic->container()->metaTitle()}</span> <span>{$topic->container()->metaDescription()}</span> </span> {{endif}}
  13. Nathan Explosion's post in Remove Newsletter block from notifications center was marked as the answer   
    Yup, it's not ideal but it's the best that could potentially be done from a CSS point of view.
    @Apfelstrudel a way to see how the CSS can 'go wrong' would be to disable your Messenger....this will then remove it from the notifications list, and Newsletters will have a different numbered row and then something else will be hidden.
    Here's a plugin which will do it the @Daniel F way 😉
    (NE) Remove 'Newsletters' from notification settings.xml
  14. Nathan Explosion's post in How to remove sidebar? was marked as the answer   
    Search for 'topic summary' in your ACP
  15. Nathan Explosion's post in Change Message On Attachment Download Error Screen? was marked as the answer   
  16. Nathan Explosion's post in Restricing guests from using the "Report" functionality was marked as the answer   
    Group setting, "Can report content?"
  17. Nathan Explosion's post in Can I add numbers to forum posts? was marked as the answer   
  18. Nathan Explosion's post in License key not recognized was marked as the answer   
    They are having issues with their license server at the moment.
  19. Nathan Explosion's post in What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ? was marked as the answer   
    I'm off out...try to navigate yourself to the following URL:
    And then modify the field that contains the 'Directory'
    If you cannot do the above, then either:
    1) Search in phpmyadmin for the path you currently have or
    2) Log a ticket with support.
  20. Nathan Explosion's post in Like Button for Postings was marked as the answer   
    Search your ACP for 'Reputation' and you will find the relevant settings - enabling it, setting what each user group can do etc.
  21. Nathan Explosion's post in Been trying to upgrade my software manually.... was marked as the answer   
    One question...have you purchased the 'Commerce' application (used to be called 'nexus') when you did the following:
    "So I was forced to purchase the software all over again "
    because what you are being told there is that you have it on your site but the files are not for the version you are trying to upgrade to.....in other words they are not included in the package of files you have uploaded.
  22. Nathan Explosion's post in Making Active Users invisible to Guests & Anonymous Log-Ins was marked as the answer   
  23. Nathan Explosion's post in IBP 4.5 - Editing a string on the forum index page was marked as the answer   
    It will only affect your account to allow you do the action it provides.
    The action leads to a result, which all will see.
    Just try it.
  24. Nathan Explosion's post in 4.5.4 - Profile picture max size? was marked as the answer   
    Type 'profile' in to the ACP search...

  25. Nathan Explosion's post in Marketplace Link To Support Thread Gone? was marked as the answer   
    Click the 'Additional information' tab (although in the case of that one there isn't a support topic listed)
    Anyway...that is where the support link (if provided) is now displayed.
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