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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Remove condition Find and remove {{if $icon = \IPS\Member\Group::load( $grOther )->g_icon}} Find and remove {{endif}}
  2. Add your code to other groups. Sorry I don't understand what you want. Please give me an examples (make 3 screenshots/images) "before installing my plugin", "after installing my plugin", "as you want"
  3. What should I add and where? Your message "is the ability to alter the modification that instead of an image showing the name of the group?" I gave you a solution.
  4. That work with secondary icons if a user has them. Before After When I enabled "Enable custom reorder" and "Reorder primary icon"
  5. Hello, Edit 2 templates: - For profiles. core - global - plugins - nbSecGroupIconsProfile Find <img src='{file="$icon" extension="core_Theme"}' alt=''> Change to {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $grOther )->name"} - For posts. core - global - plugins - nbSecGroupIconsPost Find <img src='{file="$icon" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'> Change to {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $grOther )->name"} If you want display formatted group names use {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $grOther )->formattedName" raw="true"} instead of {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $grOther )->name"}
  6. Hello, Yes. I remember I helped with this someone on PM.
  7. Hello, That's paid plugin. I don't know how it works. You can PM me with plugin details and I'll help. Inbuilt reputation allow +1 and -1 points.
  8. Hello, Honestly, I don't know. Langs you can change via lang tool. Furls you can change via "Customize Friendly URLs".
  9. Hello, https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/433025-nb41-content-ratings/?do=findComment&comment=2658829 There are 3 types of ratings. What will be if someone gave neutral rating? Should I replicate "reputation actions". I mean increase/decrease reputation => send reputation notifications etc.
  10. Hello, Where you got an error? I've installed a new board and installed a plugin without any problems. Also settings works fine. I think you need to contact to your hoster.
  11. I've changed the button. Fan Not fan Guest Fans list. Displayed when user clicked on X fans button.
  12. Ok. Please. Yes. But it's a button. You can add/delete favorite team. I'm a fan I'm a guest
  13. Players has custom fields. If you have a field "Field A" with id 1 and someone has a field "Field B" with id 1 the imported data would be incorrect. Would be better if you to write the exact location. Now I've added Under repbar Under birthday And account setting That setting hasn't permissions, so everybody can select a team. Where to add "fans"? I also added Any suggestions about button style? Color, tooltips etc event = fixture? Or is this separate item?
  14. Hello, No sure what you mean. Do you want import league with teams? Or Do you want import scores? Not current version. I can add a tab in account settings https://invisionpower.com/settings/ where the user can select the team or teams. But where display that team? Profile? Post bit? Somewhere else? Do you mean fixtures? I didn't work with sportbook. So I need more info how it would be work. In any case I guess it's long work.
  15. Hello, 1. Find old topic with description. 2. Run sql query. If your tables has a prefix add it in query. SELECT * FROM forums_topics WHERE tid=X X is topic ID. 3. Find old description 4. Look at field name. No need it. I found a column name here https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/349558-download-pav33-topic-description/ You are right. Description will be removed during the upgrade. applications/forums/setup/upg_40000/upgrade.php $description = \IPS\Db::i()->checkForColumn( 'forums_topics', 'description' ) ? "DROP COLUMN description," : '';
  16. Hello, I don't know. On my test board all timeframes works correctly. If you give me ftp access for debugging I'll look into that.
  17. Hello, I want this too. Hope the developer will add that feature.
  18. Hello, If you give me acp (and fpt for debugging) access I'll look into that.
  19. Hello, The block "Top contributors" related with items/comments/reviews and get the data from table core_reputation_index. My application does not add records to the table. Update user repuatition only.
  20. Hello, If you give me acp/ftp access I'll look into.
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