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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Just inform I'll make some tests before release
  2. I know. I mean we can check Can edit posts /answers? (excepting first post/question) setting + Can/ edit own messages or only check Can/ edit own messages I don't want split those permissions. It would be better add 2 permissions - Can edit first post/question? -- Selectbox with options Own posts / Someone else's posts / All posts - Can edit posts/answers? (excepting first post/question) -- Selectbox with options Own posts / Someone else's posts / All posts
  3. How new setting will be works with other settings? I mean Can edit first post/question? and Can edit posts/answers? (excepting first post/question) Should we respect them?
  4. I'm confused. - Is there an option that members can moderate their own topics with permissions (edit, delete posts/answers...)? - No. I didn't add it. - Add it, please! Topic mod has to have the right to edit own messages in a topic. I've added "members can moderate their own topics". Looks like I missed "edit own messages in a topic." If so how it will be work?
  5. Hello, It's known bug. Wait 5 minutes. I'll upload new version.
  6. Hello, No. There is no separation of admin and public as it was in the 3.X In 4.X you can use 1 string in both areas.
  7. Hello, Please start read from https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/408449-nb40-recent-topicsposts/?do=findComment&comment=2779251
  8. Hello, On the file page see the compatibility
  9. In that template you should to change the code in 2 places
  10. Have you made changes in two places? Which version you use?
  11. Template postContainer Find {template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author(), $comment->warningRef(), FALSE"} change to {template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author(), $comment->warningRef()"} This looks like a bug. Submit a ticket.
  12. Hello, I see in console Uncaught ReferenceError: googletag is not defined
  13. Hello, I can't reproduce on 4.4.1 Could you give me ACP access?
  14. Thanks. I can reproduce it. I also can reproduce this with inbuilt widget Post Feed Looks like a core bug.
  15. Hello, I guess this related to Post Before Registering I'll look into that. Give me the full text with error code or make a screenshot.
  16. Hello, Yes. If you have permissions you can add topic moderators on ACP and/or front-end side Yes. Yes. Topic moderator can delete posts if he can permissions Those posts will be located on ModCP - Deleted Content Topic moderator hasn't access to Deleted Content section in the ModCP Don't add a widget on topic page + configure module permissions
  17. Hello, No. I'll upload new version coming soon
  18. Hello, I think this not related to app. You can find posts with similar errors.
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