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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Yes. {{$show = true;}} {{if $item = \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_item'] and ($item->mapped('pinned') or $item->mapped('featured'))}} {{$show = false;}} {{elseif $club = \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_club'] and $club->featured}} {{$show = false;}} {{endif}} {{if $show}} Show advert everywhere except of pinned and featured items {{endif}}
  2. Hello, {{if !(isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_class']) and is_subclass_of(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_class'], 'IPS\cms\Records') and isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_item']) and $item = \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_item'] and ($item->mapped('pinned') or $item->mapped('featured')))}}1{{endif}}
  3. Hello, I'll think about that. Add 1 setting for all or setting per node (category)
  4. Hello, What doesn't work? What should I do to reproduce the problem?
  5. Not all settings were imported. I've reinstalled the plugin.
  6. I can't reproduce. If you give me acp access I'll look into that
  7. Hello, You can install additionally Login Form Bug.xml until the IPS releases a new version.
  8. I added some piece of code to prevent errors + added logging (if you have enabled Debug logging)
  9. Hello, I'll look into that. Could you post your condition content/code?
  10. Hello, Don't use this plugin on 4.4.3 There was a bug in the core. The bug has been fixed for an upcoming release.
  11. Hello, Find $topics = \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission($whereTopics, \null, $limitTopics, 'read', $visibilityt, 0, \null, \false, \false, \false, \false, \null, \false, $joinTags); change to $topics = \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission($whereTopics, \null, $limitTopics, \null, $visibilityt, 0, \null, \true, \false, \false, \false, \null, \false, $joinTags); Find $posts = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::getItemsWithPermission($wherePosts, \null, $limitPosts, 'read', $visibilityp); change to $posts = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::getItemsWithPermission($wherePosts, \null, $limitPosts, \null, $visibilityp, 0, \null, \true);
  12. Hello, Yes. I'll think about that.
  13. Hello, There is no setting for that. I can add a setting to exclude clubs content Read the description Content areas are the forums, categories, etc. created by Club Owners in their clubs. Search results, activity streams and widgets which have their own filter controls are not affected by this setting.
  14. Hello, 1. 2. Run sql-query (ACP - Support - SQL Toolbox) and show me result SELECT * FROM core_sys_conf_settings WHERE conf_key='nb_sec_gr_icons_post_groups';
  15. Hello, What the plugin? This plugin only add additional info and doesn't affect on images Yes.
  16. Hello, Thanks for the suggestions. I will consider them. Which settings?
  17. Hello, Click on Edit button, configure the widget, save the settings, close the widgets panel, reload the page.
  18. Hello, On front-end click on arrow Move the widget on sidebar area Configure it
  19. Could you give me acp access?
  20. Hello, Check the widget settings
  21. Hello, I don't like checkboxes. 2 clicks vs. 1 click All posts = Own + Someone else's
  22. Hello, No Give me a link on your forum
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