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Posts posted by toprobroy

  1. I only have Forums which form part of our Invision product.

    The only gateway is Paypal. If wanted to cancel all Subscriptions that people have set up in Paypal (En Masse), is there a way of doing it within the Payment Settings on Admin.

    I'm checking with Paypal as well. I'm contemplating closing the Forums Project and exploring the path of least resistance? 🙂

    Anyone got any experience of this.


  2. Baffled by this one guys.

    Member tells me a link doesn't work, in a topic where I've provided two links to two separate topics.

    Topic 1 (Click it and it says, Sorry We cannot find that topic)

    Topic 2 (No problem and it goes straight to it)

    So I'm an admin and the user has full access permissions to the forums via a Named Group.

    If I sign in as the user, I can see that he gets that problem, but in my own admin account, I don't as it goes straight to Topic 1 link.

    But I cannot see any tool that would give me the ability to stop linking to a certain topic.

    Any ideas guys?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    If you want a billing address and to restrict your payment methods based on location, you will need to enable the "Require customer's real name and Billing Address for" setting for Subscriptions and everything else you use.

    Well I was in the Payment Area and the Paypal Part that I've set up. That option you describe there, isn't in that section. So here I have no restriction for payment such as you stated. I assume that's in another part?

    5 minutes ago, My Sharona said:

    Hope I'm not stepping on toes, @Jim M...

    If switching between different permission accounts, be sure to clear your browser's cache so you don't inadvertently carry anything over.

    Thanks for sharing that point and of course I will remember.  I think I need to have another look at how permissions are set then, and play around to ensure it works as I want.  I went in and I didn't think it was working as it should. Perhaps the Cache issue was part of that problem. Thanks

  4. Well I changed earlier to unrestricted on payments, as UK was the only one ticked.

    The Error log copied was a little while ago, but I didn't know if the problem still existed, and also didn't know if I could delete those logs.

    The Fiona User had trouble Subscribing and had tried 3 times, but she is now unsubscribed and I'm waiting to hear from her, hoping she'll try again.

    In relation to the Settings, I wasn't bothered what country they came from as I do occasionally get a Foreign one. But I would like people to put an address in whatever they do, as it does help add accountability so that I can be more assured real people are subscribing.  Given that, what is the best setting to have there then?

    May I ask something else in relation to Permissions. When I Log in as a user, if that user has permissions that stop them seeing some areas of the Forums, would I be stopped from seeing it as well.  I wanted to be sure I was stopping them.


  5. Hi Marc.  We only have 3 products that people purchase, to get full access to all the Forums and then Permissions kicks in to the Group they belong. i.e. Not a Full Subscribed Member, means they will be Unsubscribed or Limited. But everyone has access to Subs.  One user who got the error 3 times is here:

    Could contain: File, Webpage

    Does that help as I'm trying to deal with that one, then I can take a look at others once I know whats what.


  6. Hi. I'm struggling to see how I can edit my Forums Page footer.

    I was expecting a Block or something, but I just want to edit the existing Footer page and cannot see a block.

    Any ideas. I don't do much editing on that so I'm not so familiar with it.


  7. One solution I am thinking of, is moving my Forums to another Domain. That way I can leave the # off the offending line, and that should leave my Website working?

    Theoretically correct, would you agree and I believe I can change the domain of my current forums?

    I would have to move the Forum Folder to another domain and it would be a sub-directory then as it is now, which I don't think is too problematic at my end.

    The issue that remains to be seen is whether the # gets automatically rewritten to my .htaccess file.  If so, will it have been worth the extra work?

  8. Thanks Jim. I manage the server and I'm not asking for help there mate. I've got control of both conditions on the .htaccess file.  It's as I described and the only thing different that's relevant to the CLCMembers.co.uk site, is that it has forums.  Other WP sites and their .htaccess files have the Rewrite Engine operational without any problems.  It seems to me that if I took the forums off, I would not have the problem.  I'm keen to get to the bottom of this, even though I'm stuck in the middle, as it were.

    Has there ever been a problem with any theme perhaps, with any other user running forums in a Wordpress site?

  9. Hmmnm. We still have a problem, which I've pinned down to being the Forum at fault here, as it's the only factor that makes the situation a problem.

    I didn't check my main website previously, once we resolved a way of getting the forums to work.  So it turns out that I can't have my WPress site working as well as the Forums.  It's one or the other.  But as the fault was previously rectified by placing a #on the one line in the .htaccess, it made my website to throw up errors, which mean any link on the main site would not work.  If I take the # off the highlighted line, the forum works but the website doesn't

    The deduction is I remove the forums and my website work, so what does your Forum software not like Jim?

    There's nothing wrong with this rewrite engine, where that line is included on other WP sites, on my server.

    I just want both to work?

    # BEGIN WordPress
    # The directives (lines) between "BEGIN WordPress" and "END WordPress" are
    # dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.
    # Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten.
    # Prevent Direct Access Rewrite Rules
    RewriteRule private/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ index.php?pda_v3_pf=$1 [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !facebookexternalhit/[0-9]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !Twitterbot/[0-9]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !Googlebot/[0-9]
    RewriteRule wp-content/uploads/_pda(\/[A-Za-z0-9_@.\/&+-]+)+\.([A-Za-z0-9_@.\/&+-]+)$ index.php?pda_v3_pf=$1&is_direct_access=true&file_type=$2 [QSA,L]
    # Prevent Direct Access Rewrite Rules End
    # Prevent Direct Access Prevent Hotlinking Rules
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://clcmembers.co.uk/ [NC]
    RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|zip|rar|mp3|flv|swf|xml|png|css|pdf)$ - [F]
    # Prevent Direct Access Prevent Hotlinking Rules End

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    Options -Indexes

    # END WordPress

  10. Ok Marc, thanks. I had a message at the usual place to create a Support Request, saying please upgrade for priority support.  So that was confusing.  I guess coming here makes sense in that you can see if anyone else has had similar problems.  Just needs a little bit more care perhaps, when posting something that should be less public.


  11. I've just received an email saying that a user is unable to login with his email, because his username is filled in and he can't override it.

    Has has an invoice to pay.

    I'm on 4.6.9

    The only method enabled for login is display name or email address.

    When I clicked on his View Order, which was in the email he sent to me, also got this.  As admin, would I not actually be able to see his order. I'm concerned that the same may apply to him.


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