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  1. I'd like access to the new version. I am an existing Clubs Enhancement customer. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the info Adriano. Guess I just got lucky when I set up my furls.
  3. You can change the url in the advanced configuration > friendly url with no issue.
  4. I am running the latest, 1.4.1.
  5. Anyone having problems with collabs in fluid mode? I have redirect forums to go to the collabs and I get this error when I filter for the redirect: Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0 This error was probably caused by application Games. If the issue persists, disable it and contact the author for further assistance. OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 [internal function]: IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(0) #1 /public_html/system/Content/Item.php(1028): call_user_func(Array, 0) #2 /public_html/applications/collab/Application.php(745): IPS\Content\_Item->container() #3 /public_html/applications/collab/Application.php(700): IPS\collab\_Application::objContainer(Object(IPS\forums\Topic)) #4 /public_html/init.php(447) : eval()'d code(51): IPS\collab\_Application::getCollab(Object(IPS\forums\Topic)) #5 /public_html/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php(890): IPS\Content\collab_hook_ipsContentItem->locked() #6 /public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Content.php(319): IPS\forums\_Topic::tableGetRows(Array) #7 /public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(480): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Content->getRows(Array) #8 /public_html/uploads/template_30_b9ece655dd44c92e77c425d3dea4cf8f_index.php(3537): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #9 /public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(56): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_index->simplifiedView(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content)) #10 /public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/index.php(188): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('simplifiedView', Array) #11 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_index->manage() #12 /public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/index.php(52): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #13 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_index->execute() #14 /public_html/index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #15 {main}
  6. I could be wrong, but I think what Adriano is trying to say is that this replicates the core sign in as functionality. If the core doesn't show the user was online then this won't either.
  7. Awesome. Can't wait to see this.
  8. Is there a way to change the default sort order for a collab category?
  9. From my perspective Adriano has been very good to work with. He has always been professional with me, particularly with this application.
  10. In the ACP go to Collaboration > Categories. Click on a Category and then go to the desires app tab. Under "[App Name] Display Options" you'll see "Use Homepage Gridview."
  11. Is there a way to set up the model so that each new gc creates a single forum that can accept posts with the name of the gc? From my testing it looks like I have to create a category and then a forum. Is that correct, or is it possible to create a GC with just a single postable forum?
  12. Chosen1


    I just want to add that onlyME was super quick to fix my issue. Great support. Thanks again.
  13. Chosen1


    I am having a problem after the upgrade to 1.0.15 on 4.0.8. The video landing and category pages won't display. I can however open a video page from a sidebar link. Has anyone else had any issues with 1.0.15?
  14. Chosen1


    There is an issue in the searchForm template that causes the default site search to not work correctly. You have: <input type='search' id='elSearchField' placeholder='{lang="search_placeholder"}' name='term' itemprop="query-input">And it should be: <input type='search' id='elSearchField' placeholder='{lang="search_placeholder"}' name='q' itemprop="query-input">
  15. Chosen1


    I see a button to create the first video within a category, but if there are already videos that goes away. I know that you can click the + create button, but I'm not sure that all members know to do that. Is it possible to add a "add video" button to the main page and within any categories?
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