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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by pavero

  1. Thank you so very much for your quick reply. Sorry I didn't go back enough in the topic to find the answer myself 😕
  2. Hi, I recently updated to IPS v4.4 and I updated the app at the same time. Since then I noticed the posts and topics takes 5 minutes to show/update in the widget. I understand this in link to an option in the Admin CP > Advanced Setting > Host Environment > Header, footer and sidebar cache. If I set the cache to the minimum, which is 1 min, then the widget takes 1 min to refresh. This is new behaviour on my website, the widget used to refresh immediatly (if i've read a message or topic it would immediatly appeared as read in the widget). Would you please have any recommandation on how I could get things back to the way they were ?
  3. No Do you plan to always make the above mentioned changes? Or add functionality to 5 topic scrolling is what it would be possible? Do you plan to always make the above mentioned changes? Or add functionality to 5 topic scrolling is what it would be possible?
  4. Good evening I'm looking for an application of the last recent topics scrolling effect, I've put a link below to show you the example I would like carried thank you in advance. See you soon on the forum.
  5. Ca on website not appear, following the capture of screen below why? Up svp
  6. Hello @A Zayed Do you plan to always make the above mentioned changes? Or add functionality to 5 topic scrolling is what it would be possible?
  7. Hello I find this method very interesting, and I see when some time ago a lot of my who agrees with me!. Do you intend to improve or add functionality to your application? The first thing that would be nice is being able to adjust the image size which is the model one column S1 It appears too! Here is a small illustration below to show you if it is possible to change the image height ? Thank you for this plugin that has more than one See you soon on the forum.
  8. Good evening, Do it would be possible to have in this model there! have a piece of text Is there any chance in this model of having an image to each item thank you in advance I noticed a bug when you want to add an item, the gauge changes and displays wholesale, here is a screenshot below to better understand the situation. Thank you in advance for your support. See you soon on the forum.
  9. Yes that's the first thing I did
  10. Hello It does not work on Chrome and Safari browser, it works on Firefox! I'll bear me screenshots to understand the situation ! For this option it would be really great that it is integrated into the application thank you in advance . See you soon on the forum.
  11. Hi Personally no change, same and I will say it is even less than the previous version And you have to look for what I had you ask?
  12. Good evening, I tried to achieve what I will present below a screenshot, I also looked in your subject but I have not found the solution! I wish I had images in two columns! while keeping the scrolling effect and options in the administration panel! I put a screenshot to understand what I want done thank you in advance for your help. See you soon on the forum.
  13. Hi I look but I did not find as to the non- author of the pictures, in place of the title of the photos?See screenshot <img src='{$row['image']}' style="height:{$height}; width:100%;" title="{$row['title']}"> I tested with this but it does not work ? title="{member="name"}" édit: <img src='{$row['image']}' style="height:{$height}; width:100%;" title="{$row['title']}{{if $row['poster']}} - {$row['poster']}{{endif}}">
  14. I would keep the jQuery effect that changes every X seconds with a subject, I wish I could do it in five subjects at once ! For example configure the last 20 subject and jQuery effect would change 4 times with a total of 5 subjects! Clearly instead to change subject by subject , I would like that to change by 5 subjects Is it possible? Sorry for my english i do my best
  15. Hello Thank you I'd like to keep the effect jQuery but posted the last 5 topics , Instead of a subject that be possible ? Thank you in advance.
  16. Hello I just noticed it was a bug with the Safari browser and Google Chrome. Here is a small screenshot to understand
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