Everything posted by Pescao6
website working too much slow
Have you tried setting up a cron job on the AdminCP?
Ads between <p>
Have you tried an experiment with Google AdSense's Auto ads? I set mine to 50% and increased revenue.
Hump Day: what are some of your community pain points?
@Jordan Miller For me, it comes down to these: Writing down the things we want to do Scheduling plans to actually do things Attempting to meet planned deadlines @Marc Stridgen A big struggle for me recently has been trying to figure out where to post what. Does it go on Discord, does it go on Social Media, does it go on the Website? Where would the content get the best kind of engagement? Am I looking for short term high activity or to preserve content for the long term? And even within the website, does it go better on the forums, the clubs, the blogs, the articles? A lot of clients probably haven't gotten all of the features, but for those who have them all it's a blessing and a pain to have options on how we want to present our content to our communities. And for communities that are starting out or have small teams, I usually advise them to focus on no more than 2-3 channels. I'd be cautious to recommend doing this. I see a lot of companies do this thing where they'll post a blog and then share it on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. And I wonder, why? Instead, I think it'd be best to write unique messages on each platform. The occasional backlink is fine, but it should be the exception not the standard especially considering most members probably won't engage in more than 2-3 channels of a community.
Security in topics
1. If you Edit the Forum > Posting Settings > Posts must be approved? New Topics Replies You can toggle New Topics on this and use Moderators to authorize topics to be created. 2. If you Edit the Forum's Permissions > The only thing you might see is "See Forum" but look on the left on the groups you have and for each it says "See all permissions for group" That gives you access to play with how you want to configure all of these: See Forum Read Topics Post New Topics Reply to Topics Download Attachments I'd use subforums or clubs for that. The tricky part would be the navigation, but I really like how there are a few places you can put useful links like descriptions and rules of each forum. Other than that, I'd use special groups like moderators with special permissions like you're describing.
InnoDB issue
Or something I must be doing right. 😁 Aside from changing the default, how would I go about changing all of the MyISAM tables to InnoDB without breaking the site?
InnoDB issue
😅 I break my site almost on a monthly basis trying out new things. That's the fun part! I'm super grateful to have been using IPS for 15 years because I've learned a ton with every other update breaking something new.
Im Banned from my own website
At this point, if you haven't already I'd open a support ticket with one of those temp IPS admin accounts so someone from Invision can take a look at what might be going on.
Site Offline
You could choose an Invision Community address or I'll decide later when selecting the domain option for your Managed IPS Hosting purchase. That should let you get started right away. You can also experiment with a demo for 14 days: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/demo/ The only problem with the demo is that it doesn't include all of the features so you'll find additional settings once you get up and running with the licensed one.
Im Banned from my own website
Did you try clearing the cache under Support? I can't think of anything else because that looks to me like an IPS ban, not a BAN through cPanel or a WAF which would look different. The other thing I would try would be to create and validate a new account on the AdminCP and see if that one works. That might tell us something.
Site Offline
🤯Wow. And that's supposed to be "better" than self-hosting. Moments like this I'm glad I took the self-hosting route even though I went through some big learning curves. 😬It'd be funny if Namecheap was to blame and here we were trashing IPS support. Have you tried reaching out to Namecheap to see if they had any advice? 🤔I currently have most of my domains on GoDaddy, I'm hosting on Hosting Supremo, and using StackPath for website security. I think I pay a bit more than I would at other places, but the support I get from these companies has been totally worth it. Escalations can take a while, but waiting a week for support is insane. 🤮
Notifications problem
Few things I'd check: Are you using IPS 4.6.10? Do you have the gmp php extension enabled on your host? Are you using a cron job or running the task method with traffic?
Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled Fix?
You can add them under cPanel -> PHP Selector -> Options Your host can also help you doing this if you send them a ticket.
There was an error authenticating with the Marketplace.
I fixed mine by whitelisting my IP address on StackPath.
Database error in Log after upgrade to 4.6.10
I personally didn't get any errors when upgrading. But based on previous experience with upgrading errors, I just manually downloaded the entire IPS files, uploaded them via FTP, and re-installed the upgrade to get it to work. And if all else fails, restore the site from a backup. As far as the default language, you can always make a new English (USA) and delete your old English (USA)... but I did that once and ended up having to translate my entire site to English because the forums, terms, titles, etc. pretty much everything that was in English attached to that language pack that got messed up. 😬
InnoDB issue
I wonder if it's an upgrade bug then because a friend of mine just setup a brand new Invision Community and he wasn't getting the warning. Then again, I'm thinking it could also be an issue with the PHP version because I'm on 7.4 and my friend just setup his Invision Community with PHP 8.
Im Banned from my own website
Well there is Ban Settings under AdminCP -> Members -> Members Settings But there is also individual member account ban settings under AdminCP -> Members -> Members, you might see your account flagged under Banned or Spammers.
InnoDB issue
Do you by any chance know how he did that? My host tried to do it, but they just broke the site and ended up restoring it from a backup so I've mostly been ignoring it. 😷 I think it also depends on what type of Linux your host is running. Mine uses MariaDB instead of MySQL so I'm not sure if that's the issue I'm having. 😬 I had a few with InnoDB, but most were MyISAM. 😆
How to secure forum?
Just out of curiosity, are you still using GoDaddy's firewall? I decided to switch to StackPath after setting up a second website on the same GoDaddy Web Security account which broke the configuration for my Invision Community site I already had working fine for over a year. And so far I've been with StackPath for over a year with multiple sites and no problems. The configuration was similar to GoDaddy's firewall; you have to make some exceptions or modify what the WAF blocks, but it wasn't too bad after the initial nightmare I went through setting up GoDaddy's firewall.
Stop sending mail to users
You can edit everyone's notification permissions at the same time. I just removed sending emails to everyone by default on each category and hit the reset all members permissions to default button because the push notifications are good enough and if people want to receive emails they can manually change that on their preferences. You can also go into your AdminCP -> System -> Settings -> Login & Registration -> Registration and make some changes in there to make the process a bit more difficult for bots. And go into AdminCP -> Members -> Content Moderation -> Spam Prevention and add a few things in there too. Some other ideas for dealing with high levels of SPAM include creating like a New Member group with literally no access to anything except to make 1 post on a New Members forum. That works wonders because people will need to make at least 1 post even if it's just saying "Hello" before they get promoted to a Member group that grants them more access on the site. You might also be interested in reading about using a CDN and WAF with IPS:
Favorite Topic
CTRL+D will bookmark it on your web browser. I suggest making a folder on your bookmarks bar. You can also hit the Follow button at the top right or bottom left corner of a topic and then view those from your Profile -> Manage Followed Content.
Site Offline
DNS changes can take anywhere between 5 minutes to 72 hours to propagate. Normally when you contact any web hosting support they always tell you to wait 24-48 hours. But essentially, all you're waiting for is for the A record to update with the new name servers. Your A record is what points your domain to your web host. You can check on the current status of your name servers and A record on https://dnschecker.org And it might also help to Flush the Google DNS Cache for your A record. Note that if it propagated already but your site is not loading you, most likely you just need to clear your web browser's cookies and cache files. And if you can also change your PC's DNS to Google DNS or CloudFlare DNS because sometimes your ISP's DNS is just bad. If you're trying to setup something like a custom name server, that can take a while to propagate. I tried it, and it was taking so long for new name servers to get validated that I just gave up and switched it back. But a good way to hide your name servers is to have something like CloudFlare or StackPath manage your DNS. And that should be fairly quick probably anywhere between 5 minutes to 6 hours you'll be up and running assuming of course you put in the correct A record. And you know CloudFlare is free, but they're support isn't great. I've been using StackPath for little over a year and their live chat support has always amazing. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind sharing what domain registrar and web host are you using?
How to restrict calendar comments to moderators only?
If you use Clubs, you can setup a Calendar that only people within the Club can see and these events will be displayed also on your Community Calendar for people within the Club. Other than that, you have the Calendar Permissions which you can edit for each Calendar. There is no View Comment permission, only View Event and Comment. In your position, I'd just use like an Mods Forum or Mods Club. I mean you can always use the Calendar for your events and make a Mods Club Calendar with a title like EventX - Comments. You'd have 2 events for each, but that could work for what you're trying to accomplish.
Convert to new software
I've done a few upgrades and everything has gone smoothly. When I manually uploaded the new IPS4 files via FTP, the site pretty much broke but I was able to do the upgrade same as doing a new installation. I've also had cases where for some reason I was missing a file during the upgrade, and all I had to do was to re-upload the installation files and re-attempt the upgrade. I think @Nathan Explosion's suggestion to turning the site offline might also be a good idea so you don't get any users attempting to post new content to the site while you're doing the upgrade. And as far as I know from switching the PHP version, that's something that you can typically easily change back and forth so if a PHP version doesn't work you can revert it back to the old one. I had that issue when I wanted to use a customization which only worked with up to PHP 7.3 and I switched to PHP 7.4. It was easy to switch back to PHP 7.3 and the site loaded again normally with no problems.
default language
Adding to the above, there is also a setting on AdminCP -> Customization -> Localization -> Languages -> Automatically detect users' language which you can toggle on/off. It could be handy to toggle it off if you want your site to load only on Romana for everyone; your users would then need to manually change the language on the bottom of the site if they wished to use English (USA), but this is could be handy for SEO purposes. And you can go a step further and add the og:locale = ro and og:locale:alternate = en_US meta tags for each of your main pages under AdminCP -> System -> Site Promotion -> Search Engine Optimization -> Meta Tags
Language URL
I have two language packs on my Invision Community - Spanish (PR) and English (USA). Is there a way that I can make a URL to open the site on one language or the other? Eg. mysite.com/?lang=es or something like that. I noticed that each language has an id so I'm hoping there is a way to do this.