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Posts posted by count1

  1. A lot has been said in this topic so I will just put my 2 cents in @Matt:

    • Do anything in your power to keep talented developers like Adriano, Michael J., Nathan, InvisionHQ, CodingJungle and others happy. They are the reason we use IPS, stock version will never fit everyone's needs. That's why those developers are so useful and important to have. Without them my communities fall apart.
    • Should have communicated price change sooner. Allow those who want to renew at least once using old pricing. I know I would have taken advantage of this and renewed immediately. Now for a price three times bigger - not so much.

    I also want IPS to succeed but you seem to be causing the opposite all thanks to everything we have been seeing lately. 

    P.S. I hope native video uploading and support will not be once again made exclusive to cloud hosting just like Zapier was before all the backlash. Once you start going SaaS route I'm afraid you will loose even more customers.

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