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Posts posted by Robert222

  1. 2 hours ago, opentype said:

    The product descriptions is very clear about that. It specifically says that the Record Image is “required”. 


    In addition, it’s useful to have that anyway, since it also used for streams, social media sharing and so on. 


    It certainly is on my demo page for SuperGrid so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. 


    There shouldn’t be additional titles (or the author information shown in the screenshot) at the top of the content area and my product didn’t put them there. If you or other authors of your articles put them there, that problem was caused when these articles were created in the past. That is completely unrelated to my product. 


    I would like to say that regarding the "Record Image" is required....Sorry but thats technical talk, who the hell knows what "Record Image" means? Means nothing to me until now. You need to understand that regular people are purchasing your plugins and aren't familar with the technical aspects of using Invision as its quite complex to be honest.

    I didn't even realise that its also important for social media sharing? So now I need to go back through every forum topic and Article I've created and add that "Single Image File" in order to have a picture show if someone shares an article etc to social media?

    Can the "User Feedback" be removed then? The words used make it sound like your asking for product feedback and not a general response to an article?

    Regarding the last thing, I did not say it was your fault regarding the double titles. I said it is my style of creating articles and forum content by adding the title to the content area as well including the name of the author (myself) or another name. However adding your product has unfortunately created a problem for me meaning I need to now go through every post on my site to remove the title and author from the top of the content area so that double titles etc don't appear. Other users who may buy your product should be aware of this potential problem. That's all I am saying. 

  2. After uploading your plugin the 7 or so articles which I had on my website appeared liked this...


    As you can see, yellowish background but no image preview from article?

    I assumed the plugin would take one of the attached images from the article and automatically use it for the main article thumbnail. I was wrong.

    Within the "Edited" area at the very bottom of my article I saw this....


    I've always just uploaded images and attached them within text areas of my article. I've never used the "Choose Single File" feature because I never saw its relevance until now!

    Once I uploaded an image using the "Choose Single File" I then corrected my problem and I now see this...


    The problem is though, no where have I found information regarding this to inform users that they must upload an image using the "Choose Single File" in order to make the plugin work properly?


    Other problems / questions...

    Question 1:


    Before replying to an article I see the large text "User Feedback". Is that part of your plugin or has that always been there as part of Invision? I've never actually noticed it until after installing your plugin. The forums don't have that text "User Feedback" so I don't understand why its there given its pretty clear to users where to add comments.


    Question 2:




    When I'm creating an article I input the title. But I also like to add the title at the start of the Content area for example..

    Home Gym....

    By .....

    Article starts here blah blah blah.....

    The problem however as can be seen from the screenshot, due to layout, it just looks like a double title and double by...

    So the only way to get around the problem is to edit all my articles one by one to remove titles and by... from the top of the content area? Which is time consuming.

  3. On 1/11/2021 at 3:53 PM, bfarber said:

    Add your Google adsense code to a widget then embed the widget on the page(s) you want it displayed (you wouldn't do every article, just one article and it will display on every article page inherently). You can then delete the block or adjust permissions for the block later if needed.


    How do you add google adsense code to a Widget? Where are the widgets within IPS? Which part of the template would you embed the widget into in order to affect all articles?

  4. 14 hours ago, rebraf said:

    I haven't tested, but it should work on 4.4.x. If it didn't, I would be happy to correct any issues.

    It allows you to paste a Facebook or Instagram URL and for it to embed in posts automatically.

    Any LIVE website samples to see what it looks like?

  5. 2 hours ago, xtech said:

    You would need more advanced processing inside the template.

    Remember: article content is in field $record->_content. This field is a String that contains the HTML code that by its turn, contain your article text, images, etc.

    As an example, if you want to set an ad after the first paragraph and before the second paragraph, then you need to edit the record display template as follows:

    • find the first paragraph end tag (</p>). You can do it with string functions or regex.
    • Split the the string at that position (so you will have one string with the first paragraph, (let's call it $content1), and one with the remaining content ($content2).
    • Create a new string $adsensecode and set it as: "<p>with_your_adsense_code_</p>"
    • Conconcatenate $content1 . $adsensecode . $content2 
    • Instead of using $record->_content to display article content, use $yourconcatenatedcontent


    Not great for us non-coders! But I do appreciate the help.

  6. Ok I believe I've solved my own problem.

    I don't need to use the standard 728 X 90 ads. I can just use the "responsive" ads by Google. Within the responsive google Ad code there is the following section...


    Change to...


    That little tweak only affects large screen desktop computers and is perfectly fine to do so you don't need to worry about being banned from google adsense.

    So after making the small change, my ads at the top of my website now look more like 728 X 90 size but are still responsive in small screen sizes. So win win.

    I was going to delete this topic but thought I'd leave it, in order to help others who may experience the same issue as I.

  7. At the top and bottom of my website i've added custom blocks of Google Adsense code. See screenshot below. From this photo you can see the top part of my site where there's a standard sized 728 X 90 google advert. This is just one of googles "standard" sized adverts which isn't responsive. I thought the advert was fine when viewed on larger screens i.e. Desktop PC, until I began viewing my site on my mobile phone and part of the advert when viewed in Portrait mode was cut out! The square ad you see on the right side is a custom block "Responsive" google advert within my side bar and for some reason, these look great on all screen sizes. 




    To try and solve my problem, I changed the custom block google ad at the top of my page from 728 X 90 to one of googles "Responsive Ads".  See image below...



    The "responsive" ad appeared much better on a small screen size (mobile phone) but when viewed on a larger screen (desktop pc), the "responsive" advert appears MASSIVE and shifts my main page content down too far and just looks stupid!  Its extremely important I have google ads within custom blocks at the top and bottom of my site on all pages but if I keep the "Responsive" ad code , visitors to my site will just leave straight away. Aesthetics is important to me, and google ads need to be placed carefully. The "Responsive" google ad within my right side bar works great, however, the top and bottom custom blocks simply don't work for "responsive" google ads unless you don't care about the appearance of your website on larger screens but I do. 

    Surely there must be a way for me to use the 728 X 90 standard google ad code and make it responsive within the custom block? I thought custom blocks automatically made content responsive, I guess I was wrong. This is another feature of IPS which I hate. IPS promote the ability of adding google ads on your site but what they don't disclose are these problems which haven't been thought about and fixed!

    Is there maybe a way to just use the "responsive" google ad code and perhaps make the top and bottom blocks no bigger than 728 X 90? This would then hopefully stop the responsive ad code from getting too big.

    Any help would be appreciated.




  8. 8 hours ago, bfarber said:

    When you add a sidebar widget, it only displays on those pages. So you can create a custom HTML block (using Pages) with your Google adsense code, then add that block to all of the pages used by Articles (i.e. the index, category listing, article listing and article display pages). The block won't be shown suite-wide, but will be shown on all pages you add the widget to.

    I still don't understand. I already have google adsense blocks positioned at the top and bottom of all pages of my site, including the side bar. The next thing I'd like to do is include google adsense blocks within the content of all my website articles. Below is an example of an article on my site. I'd like to show google ads between paragraphs. Google adsense provides In-Line Ad Code which just needs to be added to a page template. So would I be right in saying if I create another google adsense block containing In-Line Google Ad code and add it to the "Index", this would enable google adverts to appear throughout the below article?


  9. 8 hours ago, bfarber said:

    If you have Commerce installed, you can allow members to earn commission on sales made to members they have referred.

    i.e. on our site, if you use your referral link to get someone to sign up, we could allow you to earn 5% of any sales made to that new client you referred to us.

    So the link at the bottom of my website that says "Powered by Invision" I could add my referral link to that URL and earn commission money? If so where can I locate my Referral link and which part of the template can I locate the "Powered by Invision Community". 

  10. I currently use the Gallery feature of IPS and plan to add a lot of photos to my gallery under various categories. While adding photos today I thought I'd include "Affiliate" links within the description of photos. However, manually adding "Affiliate" links to every image in my Gallery I could do easily but I then imagined having hundreds or thousands of images and the need to manually edit each individual photo to remove an "Affiliate" link or update links etc....This would prove very, very time consuming and I ain't getting younger! 

    So I'm looking for customisation which would enable me to have a setting within the gallery Admin area that would allow me to add / delete "Affiliate Text" links". So if I chose to add a new Affiliate link at some point, all gallery images would automatically update after I click "Save". These links would appear on the Front end, within the gallery Lightbox area, under the description area, but just before my 'Block' Advert. Hope that makes sense?  It would also make sense to have a 'Title' appear above the Affiliate links such as "Recommended Links". The 'Title' should also be editable from the Admin section.

  11. When adding TAGS to articles, forums or gallery images, they look aweful from a design point of view. They take up a lot of space (if you add many tags).

    So my question is.... If I already add META key words to articles, is there much point adding tags as well?

    And is there a way to hide TAGS from showing on the front end? So members can still add tags but the tags wont show up on the front end which would create a more aesthetically looking website.

    What is the whole point of tags anyway? Do they provide better Search Engine Optimisation or do they simply just allow users to search the whole website for certain key words or phrases?

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