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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Robert222

  1. 3 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

    Maybe I’m just daft or I’m not understanding what you’re looking for but can’t you do this with a custom editor button that is restricted for just admins to use?

    I don't know what that is.

    6 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

    Maybe I’m just daft or I’m not understanding what you’re looking for but can’t you do this with a custom editor button that is restricted for just admins to use?

    Custom buttons cant be dynamic or use javascript so I guess now.

  2. At this moment in time, google adsense can be added to the side bar and in various different other areas. However, for me, a major problem is not being able to add google adsense ads to posted article content (it can be kind of done manually but is a pain in the a**!). It can also be done by adding a single line of code from google and adding this code to the global template of your IPS website. This however places google ads everywhere on your site! So you then need to go on to your google adsense account and spend time adjusting your ads choosing where you wish to show ads on your site and which parts of your site you do not wish to show ads. This is definitely time consuming and could prove problematic given how complicated an IPS website is made up. However this latter part could be done I think.

    BUT... Admins could have so much MORE control over the placement of google ads if custom 'Blocks' were able to be added within the content of articles. Admins could manually add block code within articles i.e. add {block="my_google_adsense_code"} in between article content (photos and text) or have the ability to automatically place 'Block's throughout an article because no one wants to manually add anything or edit a thousand articles to add 'blocks', too time consuming so the "Automatic" option would be the way to go. And so this would simply be an extra setting when creating and submitting a New Article. Within the settings, it would be a good idea to allow Admins the choice of selecting how many block ads to display throughout an article? This would obviously need to be created under google adsense guidelines. The ads should automatically spread out throughout an article and adapt to different length articles, so as not to annoy user readability.

    If members of wesbites are allowed to add articles then the 'Google Adsense' Block feature should be automatically added so Admins can benefit from 'Guest Article submissions'.

    Enabling this powerful feature would also allow Admins to fully offer and promote "Ad Free" viewing by offering members to pay a monthly subscription to view the website totally "Ad Free". You can do that just now with the standard created block ads within the side bar etc but if Admins wish to capitalise on making as much money as possible and are able to add 'Blocks' to Articles, then the whole website could be "Ad Free" viewing for payed members.

    I'm actually surprised IPS designers don't think about these features when creating blocks for google advertising and general advert creation / promotion? If you are designing a website to enable 'Blocks' to be added to pages and side bars etc, why not allow the 'Blocks' to be added to articles as well??


    I really hope this can be included in the next update!

  3. 6 hours ago, opentype said:

    It will work with a sidebar, but things will look more crammed. 

    Could you possibly create a live example or at least show a photo of how it may look?

    6 hours ago, opentype said:

    They aren’t “created”. All images are taking from the content itself. Again, it’s just block templates. It doesn’t do anything else than change the appearance of blocks. 

    If an article has many photos would I have the choice of which photo is used as the thumbnail? Because if the wrong thumbnail is used and doesn't fully match the title of the article then its pointless.

  4. I was thinking of installing Superblocks but I have questions...

    Q1. My site is not on full width, I have a side bar panel which contains recent articles, ads etc. Can I still use Superblocks?

    Q2. I don't see a list of categories present, only recent posts and articles but no where for a user to clearly know what categories there are and if they're other articles to read?

    Q3/ How are the Thumbnails created? Are they automatic?

    Q4/ Recent Images only take users to lightbox close-up. Why not allow the category listing under the recent photo to be active as well?

    Q5/ Why not make the thumbnail of articles etc active? Becomes annoying having to click on text links.

  5. I used to run a website powered by Shopify and I placed one piece of Google Ad code within my "Shopify" global template. This automatically enabled google ads to appear across my website. From within my Google Adsense account I was then able to control where ads were placed across my site and easily select which parts of my website pages should not contain adverts. This was the handy part of working with Shopify.

    Anyway, I've moved on to IPS software and manually setup google ads on all pages etc for example... within my side bar and top / bottom sections of all pages using "Blocks", which so far seems to work okay. However the main part of my website involves uploading article content and if the article is long and users are scrolling down the page when reading an article, the side bar ads begin to disappear because they are further up the side bar page. Does that make sense? So users begin to see nothing within the side bar as they continue to read the article. And this means the opportunity for generating revenue from google adsense becomes non-existent, until the user finally reads down to the bottom of the article and then they see a google advert (footer Block ad).

    So in regards to my own website, I don't wish to place that one piece of Google Adsense code within my IPS Global Template because then adverts will appear in all pages and IPS has a greater number of pages compared to Shopify. So the plan is I wish to place the code within only my Articles section so that google Adsense Ads will appear throughout only my posted articles but I have no clue as to where to place the 'In-Line Google Adsense Code'? Which template controls the article contents? I have no idea and require help. IPS support can't even guide me in the right direction!

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