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Posts posted by Kingsguard

  1. On 10/17/2020 at 8:24 PM, Ehren said:

    Something like this will do the job..

    	position: absolute;
    	background: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
    	border-radius: 4px;
    	color: #fff;
    	padding: 2px 10px;
    	-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(6px);
    	backdrop-filter: blur(6px);
    [dir='ltr'] #elUserNav{ right: 0; }
    [dir='rtl'] #elUserNav{ left: 0; }


    Perfect! Thanks!

  2. @Ehren Thanks for your reply! I'm trying it now... but another problem is that now the User Nav collapses to the "hamburger" menu too soon. I mean, the page isn't even that narrow, and it's already collapsing. And I've no idea where to edit that. Can you advise? Thanks in advance!

  3. On 10/9/2020 at 12:13 PM, RocketStang said:

    Actually, a forum logo will be affected by the header icons...the background can be custom designed to flow under the header icons.  I am not sure if there is a code tweak that could allow the forum logo to float under the header icons.

    Before updating, the header icons (Create, Notifs, User, etc.) floated above my large banner image.

    I had the same problem of a tiny banner image after updating. Adding to Custom CSS makes the image larger now, BUT it's putting the row of header icons to the right edge of the image -- instead of on top of, or even underneath -- and it looks really dumb.

    Is there a way to simply have a full-width or contained large image, with the header icons beneath it? Or on top?


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