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  1. Why exactly do you need permission to add such a feature? It's not like this isn't already possible via the DB. Waiting for IPS5 for such a simple feature is crazy.
  2. Cyrem replied to Makoto's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Can't wait!!
  3. Cyrem replied to Makoto's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hey Makoto, Thanks for your consideration on these features and your honesty, I'd love to take advantage of the lower price, though it's too bad I won't be able to use it till later 😩 I'm actually on 4.4, which Ryan's doesn't support (I hadn't realised at the time support had ended) So i'm in a little bit of a pickle. I'll be keeping an eye on this. 😄
  4. Cyrem replied to Makoto's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Firstly, well done, it's great to see an app that can be a replacement to Ryan's. I wondering though, if this is ready yet for my use case. My community gives support to some certain games and rather than having a heap of forums, we use prefixes to mark which game the topic is related to. These game prefixes are only available in certain appropriate forums and not all. Only 1 prefix can be selected and you can't make your own prefixes or choose any other tag to be a prefix. I can achieve this with Ryan's, though not perfect, I had replace "Prefix" with "Game" in your above screenshot (the ability to name this label would be a bonus) and a few other things. I see you mentioned you would prefer not having two forms, I'm not sure what idea's you have here are, but selecting the prefix aside from entering custom tags is important in my case at least. Does this app have to features to achieve this yet? Thanks!
  5. Disabling/Enabling this results in: Error: Call to undefined method stdClass::save() (0) #0 /home/-/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(372): IPS\brilliantdiscord\_Application->set__enabled('0') #1 /home/-/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(703): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__set('_enabled', '0') #2 /home/-/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Node\_Controller->enableToggle() #3 /home/-/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/-/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php(43): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #5 /home/-/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications->execute() #6 /home/-/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main} And no longer works after that.
  6. Nice update! I assume though it's not 4.3 compatible yet... (and the statistics page explodes)
  7. That is correct.
  8. I deleted a category of trophies with it's contents.... Caos was unleashed. It doesn't delete the trophies from the users... and naturally, when it attempts to get info about things that don't exist... yeah. I fixed my site, but a word of warning to anyone else.
  9. Awesome! waiting for that. Yeah I set the points needed to 99999999 to make it impossible to otherwise get it. However it seems when I copy the trophies to make another this value gets lost, but I assume this is more an issue of Medals & Trophies. Also how does the chance work exaclty, e.g I had 1 trophy.... should be a 100% chance right? I could not get it even after 20 attempts.
  10. Awesome looking update. I haven't bought this yet however the Trophies & Medal's integration has me interested. While I probably would have liked to see a buy medal/trophy to buy a specific one.... random trophy might still work for me. Some questions though: Is it giving a Medal or a Trophy, they work differently in that plugin so I want to know which it is giving exactly? Can you set it to only pick a random one from a certain category? I don't want them to score certain ones which require hard work to get. Thanks! Looking forward to more shop item types, I have some ideas for some, maybe I'll post them later. EDIT - Suggestion Actually I'll just post the main one that'd really sell it for me - Ability to create manual processed items I would like to be able to add a custom shop items people can buy that I need to manually reward. For example, a user redeems their points for a physical item... when they buy it, I get sent a PM with the details of the redemption, then I'll just fullfil it. I think the ability to add custom manual items would open up this plugin for a wide variety of uses. I understand sending a PM may not be ideal, so perhaps a manual redemtions list in the ACP could work with just a list of redemptions that need to be filled and you can mark them as done. EDIT #2 So I went ahead and bought it anyway, fairly confident on doing what I need with future updates. I've answered my own question as to if it awards medals or trophies. Since the trophies system auto-awards, I've just set my trophies to make them impossible to get so that the only way to get them is by a random win with this.
  11. Cyrem replied to Fosters's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Wondering the same thing
  12. Cyrem replied to Kevin Carwile's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I didn't necessarily mean it needed to be an action, should have made that clear, any method to achieve it would be fine. Anyway, think I worked out how I'm going to do it, custom data field, a little js in the template... works just fine.
  13. Cyrem replied to Kevin Carwile's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Would it be possible to trigger a modal? Can only see options for inline message and notification.
  14. Cyrem replied to Fosters's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I got a mild laugh from that, alright maybe I will
  15. Cyrem replied to Fosters's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Just add an option for a default 'Unsorted' category, send them all to this category. Clicking the bookmark button will save it to this category. If you still want an option to save it to a category, make it a split button instead, clicking the right split button brings up the dialog.... e.g: [ bookmark | = ] ^ ^ ---- Opens Save Dialog |--------- Saves to Unsorted. Pretty easily solved. Mmm yes, I could create an account... post some suggestions... but like most dev forums, they will probably never see the light of day.