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    FirestarZA got a reaction from The Geek in IPB 3.1.0 features   

    This is VERY useful. I used to have this on my VB board, and it saved us TONS of times. Disputes have no leg to stand on. I, the site owner, can VERY easily see when a user complains, or when I check up on a mod, what he did, and what he removed. +10 for this one.

    I would just like to sort the tabs into my own order, and move tabs into a global tag called (applications - let me just name it what I want) and then have it be a drop down tab if hovered over. The number of tabs are going to be a HUGE problem very soon.

    I've made a few suggestions for this in another thread. Quoting here:

    And now, a list of changes that I want to see in future releases:

    Trash Can: Have some kind of link to the topic where this was deleted from, please? In my setup, I really need to be able to see this, as I like to be involved in every decision my mods make. Also a restore button or link or something? Multi moderation extras - allow me to PM the user as well. Basically, when I use multi moderation, I want the following to happen. Post deleted (moved to trash can), user PM'd and/ user given warning. User Images depending on groups belonging to - So, like you have a "Staff" badge, allow a badge for secondary groups as well, set up by an Admin, but perhaps selected by user which ones they want to show up on their post (maybe set a limit option by ACP option too, to only allow 3 secondary badges, for example) Rep System is currently pretty useless without anyone seeing your rep. Put rep in the profile, put up a highest rep user thing, and perhaps even rep in the post bit under the avatar. I know there are 2 hooks that does this, but it should be included in the standard, IMO. Extra tab on profile page, which must have watched forums/posts. This is a pretty often requested feature on my board. My members want to watch certain forums and posts, and then just refresh their profile page, seeing both these on the same page. Currently, you have the two tabs in the side bar, but people prefer not clicking between these two. If it's on the profile page, it could be on a separate tab, which shows watched posts first, with a separation after this, showing the watched topics second. It could even refresh via AJAX (really, I want to have AJAX's babies some day), which would stop the spam refreshing that users tend to do while they wait for new posts to pop up. Option to put sidebar blocks on every page, not just forum home page - please, pretty please. Link to ACP member record from member profile page (admin only, obviously) Option (user selectable) to reverse sort order for posts in topics - newest on top Mass add or remove members to a group. If I want to, for example, search for email addresses that has the word "facebook" in it, and move them to a new group, it's a REALLY long process at the moment. Check all boxes EVERYWHERE - moderated posts, and everywhere in the ACP as well - subscriptions for example. Basically, if there's a checkbox, I want a check all above it. Multi quote breaches topic borders - currently, if you multi quote a post on page 1 of a topic, and press the reply box on page 2, it'll include multi quotes from page 1. However, it will not do this over 2 separate threads. Basically, when someone clicks a reply box, while there are multi quotes selected all over the forum, it must only include the current topic's multi quotes in the reply, but have a little link below the box, asking the user if he wants to include the other x number of multi quotes from different topics in this post as well, or if he wants to clear multi quotes. VB does it this way, and it's quote useful. Live Ajax post feature - see below
    Josh touched on it a little bit in the quote below:

    However, there's a better way. It's called Live post (it was available as a hack on Vbulletin) and it basically refreshes the topic automatically every X seconds. It's got a few options that you can set:

    Refresh topic every x seconds Timeout for refresh - if user leaves the page (click on another tab in browser for example) or becomes inactive on his computer (goes AFK) or whatever, it times out the refresh. Live topic time out - X seconds after the last reply, the topic stops being a live topic, and refreshes like a normal topic.
    Now this sounds like a gimmick. I know when I first saw this hack, I thought that I'd give it a try, but I'll probably uninstall it after a day or so. However, let me tell you that this is now the most missed feature on my board since I've moved to IPB. The first week, I was sitting in front of my computer, waiting for the replies to happen, and not understanding why I must keep on pressing this F5 button all the time to see who replied to the thread while I was typing something in the quick reply box. This feature is the single biggest improvement that I've made to my board, and MANY of my users miss it incredibly.

    There are also a ton of benefits of this Live topic feature. For one, it saves a crap load of bandwidth. In stead of refreshing the whole page, it only checks every 5 seconds (or whatever), which takes up about 4k or less) and adds a new post only when there is one. If IPB adds this feature, I can only imagine how many more Vbulletin (and many others) users they'll draw (not that you necessarily want them. They're a pain to deal with! Look at me! I've probably logged 20 tickets in the last 3 weeks, since moving to IPB, and now I'm testing the post size limits with this suggestions list - sorry about that, btw).

    Anyways, thanks for an awesome piece of software, and I hope to see some of these in future releases. :D
  2. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to teraßyte in [Suggestion] Cancel Account   
    I'll upgrade my mod for that to IPB 3 but I do not have any date right now.
  3. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Funnykat in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    I'd like to suggest an option for the members to choose between a 12 or 24 hours time format display ( like 8PM or 20:00) and the date format like dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy
  4. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to AlexWright in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    Perhaps a feature that alerts users to new posts if they have been in quick reply or full editor. Basically when the user goes to post, an AJAX or similar popup could say:

    "New posts have been made since you have last viewed this topic. View New | Continue Post"

    Where View New would redirect them to the topic, saving their post in the quick reply, or opening a new window/tab for the topic. If they select Continue Post, it should update the topic by posting their post, but redirect them to the 'New Posts' that were made before they posted, but have yet to see.
  5. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Wolfie in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    Gmail has something like this, where a small pop up window notifies you that the there's a new reply to the conversation. It's not a traditional popup that steals focus but more of an overlay window. Think of it like the little "Loading" tab that you see at the top sometimes. It's like that. I think something like that could be beneficial, although I'm not sure what the point would be. Either you'd finish your post and then go add in a reply to that new post or you'd lose your post to read the new one.
  6. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Wolfie in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    Something that vB has that IPB doesn't.. "Smart" marking of read topics. If you read a topic that has new posts but you don't read the last page of the topic, then it's still marked as unread (because really, you have unread posts in that topic). If you happen to start reading the topic (say the first of 5 pages) and your first unread marker is in page 3, then it'll take you to that first unread post on page 3. If you go to page 3 and then look at the topic list again, I believe it'll take you to the first post on page 4 (since you didn't look at it or the last page yet). Basically only marks all the posts read that you might have actually read, instead of the entire topic.
  7. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Wolfie in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    Speaking of modules...

    Would REALLY love it if we could pick and choose exactly where each application will appear. Not only on the tab bar, but also have a secondary (if wanted or needed) tab bar. I like to try to have my tabs alphabetical (after the first 3 main tabs), but can't do it because of how it's mixed-sorted.

    Also be nice if an option could be chosen that would put all the add-ons into drop down menus. Allow me to create a drop down menu of "Featured Add-Ons" where I might include IPS extras, then another tab where I might include 3rd party add-ons such as shoutbox, tracker, etc.
  8. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Mark in Suggestions for report center and other things...   
    Doing this would delete (physically, not just moved to trash) any posts currently invisible:

    DELETE FROM posts WHERE queued=1
    You would then have to rebuild topics and then forums.

    Unfortunately, there's not an easy way to just move them to the trash can - a post cannot exist without a topic, and it's not possible (realistically) to generate a topic to put the post in using an SQL query.
  9. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to AtariAge in Suggestions for report center and other things...   
    These are great suggestions, and I'm running into some of these issues myself. Especially trying to figure out which reports have new comments I haven't read yet, as well as which reports I haven't even looked at. I like the idea of creating a special hidden forum, rather than duplicating all the work of essentially creating a topic view. It's bad enough having to skin each of these topic-like views so they look like a normal topic-view. :)

    Yes, please, also make it easier to restore posts/topics that have been deleted. A "Restore" button would be absolutely freaking terrific. :D

  10. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Mark in Suggestions for report center and other things...   
    For #2 - this is something I debated for a while... IPB has no feature comparable to vB's soft delete. It's not *really* possible for the converter to move them to a trash can as that would require first creating a topic for them - which would slow down the converter (and posts conversion is already intensive).

    The best thing for you to do is probably to run a SQL query to just delete them all, then rebuild topics and forums.

    I will keep it in mind though... perhaps add a setting to ask users what they want to do with them.
  11. Like
    FirestarZA got a reaction from Dlf in Suggestions for report center and other things...   
    Hi Guys,

    Firstly, let me say that I am SERIOUSLY impressed with your software. I just moved from Vbulletin about 2 weeks ago.

    However, there are a few things that's, to me at least, missing, or could be improved a bit.

    Report Center: Allow some moderation functions in this please. In fact, make it act like a hidden forum? Put up some sort of unread feature, so that I can see which reported items I have read, and which contains unread posts by another moderator. Perhaps allow Admins to delete posts in there, edit posts, etc? If it acts like a forum, then all of these can be possible. Allow +/- reps as well, as I often want to thank a mod for doing something, which isn't possibly at the moment. Also, the "1 Active Reports" thing in the header should also have "10 Active Reports (4 Unread)" there, so that you can quickly and easily see who did what. Lastly, a search feature, please. if you later want to find something in there, it's going to be nearly impossible. Also perhaps some prune function? Perhaps move reports to your trash can when deleting? Migration changes - soft deleted posts in Vbulletin must rather be moved to a trash can, in stead of unapproved. I currently have 1100 posts that's got to be deleted, since it was soft deleted on Vbulletin, and is now moderated posts in IPB. The problem is that there's no "select all" option, like with moderated topics, so you literally have to enter each thread with moderated posts in it, click on the check boxes of the individual posts, and then delete them. This is a HUGE schlepp. I've already cleared about 5000 posts this way, and can I say that I seriously have better things to do with the past 4 days than just deleting posts. Trash Can: Have some kind of link to the topic where this was deleted from, please? In my setup, I really need to be able to see this, as I like to be involved in every decision my mods make.
    That's me for now, but thanks again for a great piece of software, and I hope some of these makes it into a future release :)
  12. Like
    FirestarZA got a reaction from AtariAge in Suggestions for report center and other things...   
    Hi Guys,

    Firstly, let me say that I am SERIOUSLY impressed with your software. I just moved from Vbulletin about 2 weeks ago.

    However, there are a few things that's, to me at least, missing, or could be improved a bit.

    Report Center: Allow some moderation functions in this please. In fact, make it act like a hidden forum? Put up some sort of unread feature, so that I can see which reported items I have read, and which contains unread posts by another moderator. Perhaps allow Admins to delete posts in there, edit posts, etc? If it acts like a forum, then all of these can be possible. Allow +/- reps as well, as I often want to thank a mod for doing something, which isn't possibly at the moment. Also, the "1 Active Reports" thing in the header should also have "10 Active Reports (4 Unread)" there, so that you can quickly and easily see who did what. Lastly, a search feature, please. if you later want to find something in there, it's going to be nearly impossible. Also perhaps some prune function? Perhaps move reports to your trash can when deleting? Migration changes - soft deleted posts in Vbulletin must rather be moved to a trash can, in stead of unapproved. I currently have 1100 posts that's got to be deleted, since it was soft deleted on Vbulletin, and is now moderated posts in IPB. The problem is that there's no "select all" option, like with moderated topics, so you literally have to enter each thread with moderated posts in it, click on the check boxes of the individual posts, and then delete them. This is a HUGE schlepp. I've already cleared about 5000 posts this way, and can I say that I seriously have better things to do with the past 4 days than just deleting posts. Trash Can: Have some kind of link to the topic where this was deleted from, please? In my setup, I really need to be able to see this, as I like to be involved in every decision my mods make.
    That's me for now, but thanks again for a great piece of software, and I hope some of these makes it into a future release :)
  13. Downvote
    FirestarZA got a reaction from Lava Guy in Google Analytics integration?   
    Absolutely. We must be very careful. It's a dangerous world out there.:ph34r:
  14. Like
    FirestarZA got a reaction from Lava Guy in Google Analytics integration?   
    I'd love to see this feature so that I can literally only type in my Google Analytics code, and it will automatically integrated. I mean, this should be a VERY easy thing to add. Heck, even a place where I can enter in the whole set of code would be great.

    I don't know if this is being discussed as a new feature or not, but I'd sure appreciate the system just handling any template modifications for me, in stead of me having to do them. :)

  15. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to sunrisecc in Feedback from my users on switch from vbulletin to IPB   
    My Settings/Settings tab - last two on page.
  16. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Mat Barrie in Google Analytics integration?   
    Oh, no one's saying don't make hooks, etc. Just saying that it's not something IPS could really add to the core product without it getting to the point where you install IPB and are faced with 39,742 settings in 242 categories. Hooks/mods are the right answer for making this kind of thing easier.
  17. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Luke in Google Analytics integration?   
    Not only is it against the Google TOS, but even if you were to generate the code automatically and just have the user put in the account id, that code could quickly become out of date.

    You could just add the code in the wrapper of the skin, but wouldn't you have to do that for every skin? A hook could insert a "block of code" where it needs to be on every skin, regardless of it's edited or not.

    A textarea hook is a good idea.
  18. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to RobertMidd in Google Analytics integration?   
    Have you edited the settings in the ACP which requires you to enter your google website id. If it is still at the default then it will not show in the source.

    it uses ga.js
  19. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to bfarber in Google Analytics integration?   
    That is my understanding of their TOS at least. If you are unsure, you can always contact them.

    At the end of the day...it's doubtful Google is going to use all their vast resources to come after a modification author for a bulletin board software. If we provided the functionality out of the box, that chance would be higher, assuming my understanding of their terms of service is accurate.
  20. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to RobertMidd in Google Analytics integration?   
    See my signature, it is hooked.
  21. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to Wolfie in Feedback from my users on switch from vbulletin to IPB   
    I know you're making a feature request, but here's something that should please your victims users...

    in the ACP, go to Look & Feel, edit the skins HTML.

    Forum View / forumIndexTemplate

    Look for:

    <if test="istracking:|:! empty($data['trackingTopic'])">{parse replacement="watch_small"}</if> <a id="tid-link-{$data['tid']}" href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}" base="public" template="showtopic" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}"}" title='View topic, started on {$data['start_date']}' class='topic_title'>{$data['title']}</a> Replace with:

    <if test="istracking:|:! empty($data['trackingTopic'])">{parse replacement="watch_small"}</if> <a id="tid-link-{$data['tid']}" href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}" base="public" template="showtopic" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}"}" title='View topic, started on {$data['start_date']}' class='topic_title'><if test="$data['go_new_post'] === true"><b>{$data['title']}</b><else />{$data['title']}</if></a>

    That will give you the same effect. :)

    I'm sure there's a way to do it via CSS, but would still have to make use of the logic.
  22. Like
    FirestarZA reacted to TrixieTang in getsatisfaction.com, the Future IPB   
    This is just another thread about how IE6 isn't supported. But there is a solution to that problem, and that is...

    Problem solved.

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