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Posts posted by texterted

  1. It seems to be images posted on this host https://postimages.org/

    I can't link to the posts on my site as it's in a non-guest viewable area. However, viewing the thread on my Windows PC running Chrome, with an ad-blocker, Blocks the images too.

    So, I suspect the browser on his iPad has an ad-blocker and it's treating the images as adverts.

    Anyone got an iPad and know how to turn the ad blocker off?

  2. Hi Gang.

    One of my members posted about his issue, since I don't have any Apple devices to test with, I'm asking for your help please!


    Question - what does a iPad have that an iPhone doesn’t? No, it’s not a joke! On my phone I can view the forum normally and I can post pictures from my usual site (Post Image).

    My pad only allows me to see images from certain sites. If, foe example, I want to see Andy’s image in the photo competition I need to use the phone. I can see Graham’s images on both. On Brian’s thread, I can’t see his pics but I can see Stuart and Spike’s. 

    Something is blocking certain sites on the pad (for whatever reason) but the phone doesn’t. This literally happened overnight. One day it was fine, next not. So, where should I look? It’s totally spoiling my enjoyment of the forum - pictures are everything to me! 


  3. Quote

    [[Template blog/front/browse/indexGridEntry is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    Blimey, me again!

    I'm getting this error, viewing some of the oldest blogs in "View Latest Entries" view. Yet other blog entries on the same page are unaffected.

    The quoted error message appears in a black box where the image for the effected blog would be shown.

    Changing Themes has no effect.

    Thanks in advance for any clues!

  4. Strangely, I have two older IPS forums, almost dormant. They are hosted on the same server but on different accounts on there.

    They work perfectly fine, they even worked before I rebuilt the cache step in the ACP.

    I can't see what I did differently with this forum, apart from updating it to the latest (4.5) build last night.

  5. Hey Stoo, I'm getting a similar error to this one, using the new version 2.0 and checking for the correct content in that file.

    I get my board url with /null at the end instead of the username.

    Have you got any clue please?

    Ignore this, it was only a caching issue.

  6. admin/applicatons_addon/other/membermap/sources/classes/mapLib.php

    Change line 169 from

             'url'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildSeoUrl('showuser='.$members[$id]['member_id'], 'public', $members[$id]['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'),


             'url'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildSeoUrl($this->settings['board_url'] . '/index.php?showuser='.$members[$id]['member_id'], 'none', $members[$id]['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'),

    Hey Stoo, I'm getting a similar error to this one, using the new version 2.0 and checking for the correct content in that file.

    I get my board url with /null at the end instead of the username.

    Have you got any clue please?

  7. Nice idea send me a sticker please!

    I'm still chuffed to bits that IPS are giving us something so cool, as a free add-on... I can't imagine the other forum software company giving anything away, can anyone else?

  8. [#CJOIN-0] There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator

    I get that error sometimes but clicking on the chat link on the navbar again will let it work.

    So it's buggy... but we expected that.

    Great work IPS keep it up and thanks!
  9. You must be an "active customer" to access the peer to peer sections.

    If you believe that you should be? Then you may need to log out then back into the forum.

    If it still doesn't work, send in a support ticket and a Staff member will sort it for you.

    Good luck with your sites :)

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