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Posts posted by interfx

  1. I just purchased and installed it, and getting this error and using the most recent version (cloud).

    Please let me know how to fix the installation.

    Thanks -

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Could contain: Page, Text

  2. 4 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

    Yes the example is incorrect because I forgot to close the element tag and thats what happens if you use html incorrectly in the fields 


    anyway, you should add you icons next to links like this

    <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook




    Thanks, that fixed it!  Awesome...

  3. I installed this application, but can not seem to make work correctly for some of the options.  Custom block with text works fine though...

    example where not working...

    1. Quick Links block - Enter websites, but does not show in the footer.  The icon shows up & hyperlink works - but NO text...


    Amy I missing something very basic?   

    Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 9.40.57 PM.png

  4. On 3/8/2020 at 7:19 PM, Mark Spieker said:

    Was this ever answered? I too do not see anything in the URL that would reference my amazon tracking ID, thanks so much!!

    Did this get fixed?  I also can't see the amazon tracking id in the URL...  Anyone else get to work?

  5. I've searched a while now, and I can't find where to change the "black" color in the Blog entries/summary bar.  I've tried modifying through the (default) theme settings, but can't find the right one to change.  Any suggestions on where to look to modify?


  6. Is there a way to have flexibility on where the advertisement is placed in the sidebar? ie. is there a way to apply an advertisement block? that allows it to be at the bottom of my other sidebar blocks?  I've added an advertisement below the header, and the side bar location - but's both advertisements side by side...  Hope that explains it...

    Thanks in advance on how others have approached?

  7. Update: Turns out Google Auto Ads, adds advertisements into Cache in your browser.  Even after you turn them off, they are still there until clear your cache...

    Moderators can remove this post if preferred.


    Used the Advertisement from the admin panel, and added a Google Adsense above the footer. 

    Except now it also adding it below the header?  Any idea on how to fix as it is really messing up my site.

  8. I'm trying to add Google Adsense to my cloud hosted site, and they gave me a piece of code I have to paste inbetween the <head> and </head> section of my cloud hosted forum.

    Where and how do I do this?  Searched through the admin panel, but did no find a location to add it?

    Any advice is welcomed!

  9. Considering switching from a VB backup into a new cloud hosted site...  It sounds like the transfer process with support will take a few days, but if I go ahead and sign up for a cloud site, can I go ahead and start the process of features, templates, setting up other features of my new site, etc. - and then just import the old forums and members a few days later when the transfer process is complete?

    Any ideas or suggestions on this?

  10. Ok , I have installed the Member Map application, and also have the Member Location plugin, installed & working... (have users adding their city locations)...

    I had cleared my browser cache, and now it shows in my menu now - but no members showing up quite yet.  Will re-build that cache and see if it shows up...

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