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Alex K.

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Posts posted by Alex K.

  1. The search isn't really improvable since it uses MySQL's search function. If you're on a dedicated server then you can install Sphinx, which will greatly improve search functionality, however there really isn't much they could reasonably do to improve searching.

  2. You're not listed as an active customer, so you can't access the support forums you should post this kind of request in.

    You need to either purchase a license, log in using the same email and password you used to purchase the software, or send a ticket to account support to have them update your forum account. After that, you will be able to access the peer-to-peer support forums.

  3. Send a ticket to support and flag it as critical (which you can do since your board is offline); you should get a really quick response. It'd be best if you could also include your FTP and MySQL login details so they can check it out faster. That error is general enough that it's not that easy for us to troubleshoot it over these forums.

  4. The one on the profile is pulled live from the database, but the one in topic view is cached in the database. Most likely several of your posts have been deleted at some point, which would affect the number on profile view but not the one in topic view.

  5. Again I want add to my personal list:

    13) A setting on ACP -> 1. Member Groups > 2. Manage User Group > Users can Edit own posts only in the next XX minutes/days

    (this can be usefull to prevent future act of vandalism)

    This already exists, actually.
  6. Did you purchase the license within the last month? If so, you have 30 days of free phone support.

    If not, you just have to wait - IPS have always solved my problems within 2 ticket replies though. Also, if there are things you know they might ask that you already know the answer to, mention them so that they don't waste time asking them.

  7. I'm moving away from vB and coming here.. It'll be great to be here again since I left for vB years ago. Only question.. What if I want IP.Content and IP.Blogs - any discounts? I don't really need them but it'd be nice to have them, but otherwise too expensive. Just wondering, either way: I'm coming back.

    Next week they're implementing a new price system which will give discounts based on how many products you buy, so if you buy Board, Content and Blogs at the same time you should get a pretty good discount.
  8. http://www.invisionmodding.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=1339

    Be warned: It increases the SQL generation time of the index page by 2-5 seconds, at least for me. Your host may not like it.

  9. Well you could still leave it like an option for those who are not on shared hosting.... :)

    People will always enable options like that when they don't have a good enough server, even if there are warnings in 150-point flashing red text. They'll then proceed to complain about how slow the software is.
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