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Posts posted by Andr3as

  1. 1 minute ago, Fosters said:

    I guess it makes sense to create a new option to allow admins to disable this if they want to create normal topics in the same forum and to use a separate link in the navbar or wherever they place it to the application form

    oh yeah, the option would be great..

    the thing is, i want potentially new users to apply to become a member as well as already existing users to kinda suggest new members. both result in a poll asking to get a new member. however, right now that means two different forums and that isnt really that great as its all the same, semantically..

    thanks for considering that as an option.

  2. thats great news and made me buy it!

    however, there is one addition that would be awesome:

    i use the poll feature to create a poll for each application submission. however, i'd like to see who voted what on that poll. there is an option called "Make voter names public?" when i create a poll manually. i'd appreciate if we could set this option for the created poll.

    additionally i just discovered that when i enable the "create topic" option that i can not create manual topics in the target forum.. is that intended? i really wanted to use that forum for different kind of polls..

  3. hey @Mike John, i am thinking about buying this.

    however, just to double check: i want to have a kind of an application form for new members. they gotta fill out some fields (they are obviously guests at this stage) and it creates a forum topic with the application (field) content. those fields are text, text areas, yes/no, checkbox groups...

    this can be done with it, right?

  4. hey, great extension.. i just bought it and it works pretty good.


    however, one thing, is there a way to see pending invites for the inviter too? i got a few members asking me if their invitation went through as there is no way to tell for them right now if they have sent an invite.. (?)



  5. guys, i just installed it on a fresh 4.4.9 install.. install went fine but i can not find it to be added as a block...?

    i thought i go into the ipb template settings and add a new block template, select smthg with rocketchat from the plugin dropdown and its gonna be fine..(?) but there is nothing with rocket in the name?

    what do i do wrong?

    y, never mind.. i was just stupid.. found it..


  6. I can't see how this is relevant to the conversation. You already can upload images, type in text, click "post". The suggestion in this topic has to do with administrator controls over the dimensions of the image.

    @Rikki, they're not talking about the javascript resize, they're talking about the actual uploaded attachments resize.


    and you dont want to use the builtin functionality?

    edit: sry, just saw you want a "hard resize"...
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