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Posts posted by PBarton

  1. After a number of years of being offline, we recently brought our message board back from the dead. Some of our users/members couldn't remember their old logins and just re-registered as new members. Is there a way to merge an old member account with the new user/member account?

  2. On 6/16/2023 at 3:34 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you go to the admin CP and go to the stats section, there are stats there showing who has visited the site. . .

    Okay, I found it.

    AdminCP>Users>Member Visits


  3. Alright, here's another silly question - I assume the answer is right in front of me, but I'm not seeing it.

    I remember in previous versions of the ACP being able to see who has logged in. Right now I can view Admin Logs and Moderator Logs - are there User Logs?

  4. Ok, I found it.

    ACP -> Members -> Member Settings -> Profiles

    then select the "Profile Settings" tab.

    "Display Settings" is at the bottom.

     When a member clicks an item link

    >Take me to comments I haven't read
    >Take me to the latest comment
    >Take me to the beginning



  5. Alright I've found options in,

    System/Posting/Links & Email Addresses/

    My choices appear to be,

    *Allow all email addresses
    *Hold the content for moderator approval
    *Replace the email address with alternative text

    Since I don't want to Allow All, I've selected Hold the content and that seems to be working.

    Is there a way to just turn it on for messages?

  6. Is there a menu option that allows users to share email/contact information in direct messages?

    Currently if someone tries to share an email address, the board software blocks and mangles the display. That's fine for the public front end, but it also does it for private messages. Is there a way to allow email addresses to display in private messages?

  7. The confusion at first is that it didn't appear to be doing anything. So I wasn't sure I had actually set the process in motion. After I complained here, it appeared to be doing something and I basically let it run it's course.

  8. After uploading a new logo, I remember being able to adjust the header size to accommodate the new logo graphic. I just uploaded another graphic and for the life of me can't find that setting. Changing the "Logo Height" to "100%" does not remedy this.


  9. @TAMAN

    Pardon my ignorance and stupidity, but I can't seem to get your plugin to display images. I've seen the question asked elsewhere in this thread, but I don't understand what the solution is.

    Basically I'm trying to get this graphic to display.

    <img src="http://pyracy.com/adverts/2012-0515_piratesurgeon.png">


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