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Everything posted by derpunker

  1. I found a new bug: ==> the task is not running! The database column is named "last_seen". The column id was changed in the last updated (1.1.0), which seems to be a mistake.
  2. Thx for the IPS4.4 release 🙂 I found some files where the '\' is missing in the file header. if ( !\defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; }
  3. Are there any experiences with using this extension on IPS 4.4?
  4. Hi Martin, thanks for your quick answer. Unfortunately you are absolutly right. I read the policies / licence of the OpenStreetMap maps but not of nominatim. My fault 😞 Another question: Is there a way to customize the scroll / resize behavior? The initial setMapHeight is absolutly great, but I want to disable the behavior for scrolling and resizing? The scrolling behavior makes the map a little bit hard to use on a smartphone (e.g. getting to the community footer). I reviewed the javascript code and found no setting. My first (and currently only) idea is to write a template hook and rename the ID of the div element.
  5. Hello, is there any reason why this extension is based on MapQuest and not on the OpenStreetMap API? The OpenStreetMap API provides all the required information and doesn't need a registration. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Static_map_images (http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/)
  6. I think there is a little problem. When running the task, i got this error: The database column for timestamp in the table core_members_known_ip_addresses is named "last_seen". I have changed the column name temporary in the filesystem and after the change I got this error: Cleaning this table seems not to be so easy. The column "ip_address" is marked as ip_address "UNIQUE" und a lot of empty strings are not unique ? What do you think about removing the whole database row instead of cleaning only the ip_address field? I new version would be nice. All other tables are cleaned as expected.
  7. Hello, First of all, I would like to say thank you for this plugin ?? I reviewed it and I think that there are still two tables left, where the IP addresses are not deleted. core_members_known_ip_addresses -> there is a association between IP address and member_id core_members -> there is the "joined" IP address saved It would be nice if the plugin would clean up these tables too.
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