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Posts posted by Jim_K

  1. Right now, users can follow "normal" forums for new topics. However, they can't follow "category" forums -- i.e. follow all posts in the category's subforums.

    We'd like an easy way to do that. Maybe we could add a Follow button to the Category.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


    We'd probably expect to manage these on the Manage Followed Content page.

    Could contain: Text, Page

    About Categories

    In our Invision Community, we have a lot of smaller forums that are categorized via a parent forum configured with Type = Category, as shown below.  Unlike "Discussions" and "Questions" forum types, there's no way to Follow a Category.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


  2. I have an invision site (e.g. forum.mysite.com) and I want to enable it's forum RSS feed to be read by javascript inside the browser of a page on another site: other.mysite.com.  To do this requires that the invision site set the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: other.mysite.com`.  Is this possible via configuration of the invision site?  Note that I'm using the hosted solution from invision.

  3. I'm used to using CTRL+ENTER when I want to add a line when pressing enter by itself would submit. Otherwise, I don't use it. People who use mIRC (and there are a lot who do) would get mad at that. Same with Trillian users and those who use other popular and well known programs where CTRL+ENTER allows a "line break" instead of a submit. I'm heavily opposed to CTRL+ENTER being used to submit the post. ALT+ENTER, perhaps?

    I'm not a mIRC or Trillian user, but I use Shift+Enter on Skype to force a line break (although, upon test I see that Ctrl+Enter does the same). I'm not married to the idea of Ctrl+Enter for submit in IPB, but I'm absolutely positive that it is a current standard, at least on Windows.

  4. That would suck, especially if you do it by accident and were no where near ready to submit the post.

    There are a lot of things that suck if you do them by accident -- fortunately it's not easy to accidentally press Ctrl+Enter.

    It is a common standard that Ctrl+Enter is assigned to the OK/Submit button on forms/pages/windows where there are text entry fields that allow multi-line (where the Enter key just adds a new line in the text being entered). I'm pretty sure that if you tried it, you'd agree with me and you probably would never accidentally press Ctrl+Enter by mistake. :)

    BTW, FogBugz works this way (Ctrl+Enter is mapped to submit in nearly every context) and it's designed by some pretty smart people.
  5. The "Insert Image" toolbar button currently only allows inserting images by URLs -- it would be nice if it would give you the option to specify a local file path.

    Right now, inserting a (local file) image into a post (inline with the text) is too hard -- I have to upload it as an attachment and then choose to insert into the post.

    Note that 99% of the time that I'm inserting an image in-line into my post I'm uploading a local file, not referencing the image by URL.

    I like the way that GMail allows you to upload and insert images directly into a post, as shown below:


  6. I agree with your polls issue, It bothered me so much on my personal forums that I manually edited the skin to move it down.

    That thought crossed my mind, too.

    What about leaving everything the way it is except having the post/preview buttons being directly under the post box with the additional options under the buttons (like uploading a file for example)? Then you're not scrolling down but a teeny bit, if at all.

    Oh also, if you're in the post box and press the tab key, it lands on the button to submit the post. :)

    That would be nice. I'd also like it if Ctrl+Enter would submit the post.

    When I was editing that skin file, I was about to do that, and then I had a really really good reason not to. That reason has now left me.

    For the sake of it, I am going to edit my skin templates again and do that. :thumbsup:

    If you end up getting this working, would you mind posting your mods for me (and others) to take a look? I'd like to do the same for my site, but I'm probably not as handy with HTML/PHP/Templating as you all :)


  7. Moving the post button out of the work flow is counter intuitive. When filling out any form, electronic or not, it's natural to work from the top down. In this case, after you write your post content you would look down for the submit button. I wouldn't mind seeing the attachment system hidden like the post options, which would clear up a bit of space between the editor and the post button.

    If a post button was added above the editor (which I'm not against), then the one below would need to remain, and it would have to be added in such a way that it doesn't clutter up the post screen.

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for the response. I think you're right that the submit button should be at the bottom as well as the top. GMail's email composer does this:


    Here's the main issue that I have: polls and other options are only useful to me about 1% of the time -- attachments are useful about 50% of the time. However, because I always have to scroll way down every time I post, it means that these features get in my way 100% of the time.

    These less-than-always used features should be made as small and unobtrusive as possible, IMO.

    Let's continue with the GMail analogy. How about putting "Add a poll" in a location similar to GMails "Add event invitation" button? How about doing the same for attachments?

    Also, another thing that bugs me about IPB is that the "Insert Image" toolbar button only allows image URLs -- it should also give you the option to specify a local file path. Right now, inserting a (local file) image into a post (inline with the text) is too hard -- I have to upload it as an attachment and then choose to insert into the post.

    Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I really like the improvements in IPB 3.0, and I'd love to see it totally dialed in.
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