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Elon Report

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Everything posted by Elon Report

  1. It has to be something simple - I had it working last night, but I can't remember what I did. I have a database named API - Image Hosting. I use Zapier to create a record in this database. I see Database and Author only - where are the fields for title and content? When I test I get the obvious error "TITLE_CONTENT_REQUIRED".
  2. I've been using IPB since 2006 with the MSSQL driver. I was always attracted to the flexibility of the platform with minimal programming. Recently tech support has become more difficult. It's harder to find code examples and removing the marketplace killed a creativity source for me. I had a stroke a few years ago, so my development skills are retarded, but still I believe this is one of the poorer organized forms in regards to technical documentation. A wiki, kept up to date by your community, would really help in development IMHO. Good luck all! Martin
  3. I need to automate this step, as each one of my clients has their own group. Since 1) There is no API to create a group and 2) I am hosted, how can I create a new group?
  4. I wanted to add: If you are subscribed to the course in question, the "Course Manager" dropdown is hidden by the "Withdraw from course" button. Once I withdrew, I could see the dropdown. Is it just my WIP theme?
  5. As mentioned, "vendor" was just my name for one of your custom tables. 🙂
  6. Exactly. Zapier does not know the member_id. I suppose I can make a page with a php block and redirect that way. I knew about the security issue; I'm just trying to get things working to attract more qualified help. Thanks for the assistance!
  7. I'm using Zapier to create a form and then save it in a custom table here. I cannot figure out how to pass my current forum user to zapier other than pass the member id in the url. I've tried https://chyll.zapier.app/{variable} but that does not work.
  8. It's not just the code, it's learning an infrastructure I fear may change in the near future. I don't want to have to write an application every time I want to search a database... I'm using zapier and it takes care of almost everything I need.
  9. No, "vendor" is just my name for one of your custom tables. Date and GST are integer columns. It is something as simple as SELECT ID FROM VENDORS WHERE DATE=4 AND GST=2 Do I need to create a plug in for something so simple? Is there a way to use /core/search to search custom tables like it does forums?
  10. I read that external database access is disabled for security. I cannot find any documentation on how to search with rest api. I have a table (vendor) that has three columns - the id, date and tax - all are integers. I have the two integers (date, tax) I want to search for. How can I search this table and get back an array of ids that match the query?
  11. Yes. The block is called PostVendor and is using your code at https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api First time using the API system. Thanks! Martin
  12. That I am! Appreciate your help- guess I'll have to wait for cloud help. (I tried making a phpinfo page but it just outputs the raw code)
  13. I do not see any phpinfo button, even though I remember seeing it in the past. Here is my right sidebar.
  14. I am running your sample code from here: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api I get the error in the title. Is the extension php_curl enabled for my site? Also, I am on the hosted solution, but I do not have access to email support. 😞 It would be nice to not bother all these good people with my n00b questions.
  15. Thank you. I made a new page with just this on it and it worked great. Thanks! How would I go about appending a cookie to that? . $_COOKIE["ips4_member_id"]');}} Comes out as this after redirection. ="%20.%20$_COOKIE["ips4_member_id"]
  16. Daffy, Try creating a php file that pings the server after an increasing delay. 1 sec, then 2 sec, etc. If you are seeing the error sooner then 8 hours, you have configured something to close the connection sooner. This page lists possible variables: https://haydenjames.io/mysql-server-has-gone-away-error-solutions/
  17. I am on the hosted platform, but no access to email support yet. I am using only the following code in a custom php block. header("Location: https://myazurebox/id=". $_COOKIE["ips4_member_id"]); When I call this block, nothing happens. I can see the cookies are there. If I add the exit command: header("Location: https://myazurebox?id=". $_COOKIE["ips4_member_id"]); exit(); I receive a generic error when I try to save the block. Sorry! The page you requested does not exist Error code: 1S160/2
  18. Hi Marc, I have an IIS server running a subdomain. I read in another thread I can access the domain cookie. I also figured I could set the menu to a page that redirects to a secure URL on my IIS box. I'm trying to take most of the computation away from your platform onto mine. And I know C# better than PHP. 🙂
  19. I'm making a custom form on my windows box. I'd like to call that form from a menu item on my forum. How do I go about letting my box know the member that invoked the form? If anyone can point me in the best direction to start, I would appreciate it.
  20. All the search results reference menu items I do not have. I just upgraded to the latest version. Martin
  21. I'm planning to move my community to a hosted one before launch. I have purchased the Chatbox+ application. With the hosting option I am allowed two million page views. How does that work with the chat app?
  22. That worked, although it's not very intuitive. Is there a page which lists all the properties I can use? Thank you again, budding developer! 🙂
  23. Great thx, I understand the logic! What I want is for the animated logo to show only on a specific page - not the forum. So I would use {{if request.module == 'pages'}} && request.controller == 'index' ?? How do I get and reference the page name?
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