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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. @Stuart Silvester @Daniel F Would this be something related to marketplace? The file install works just fine to me via marketplace. Should I re upload the file?
  2. Are you using latest version? I remember to have this reported before and have fixed it.
  3. Just tested hiding a post and it's fixed too. It's just wait for the new version. đź‘Ť
  4. Seems ok to me: Post the content of the log error (ACP -> System -> Support -> Get Support -> System Log). This is probably something related to the ACP Marketplace module so we'll need to contact someone from support indeed.
  5. No, not possible.
  6. Maybe in a future version.
  7. I wish.
  8. It’s sorted by score and time (100% in 10 seconds, 100% in 11 seconds, etc.). You mean also sort by date if the time and score are the same, like the last 2 rows of your image? I’ll take a look.
  9. @AlexJ @Afrodude When did yiu get that error? When trying to edit a post? If so, the version currently pending fix the edit issue. Let me know if you can reproduce after update to new versions.
  10. Guess I’ll have some work for the carnival holiday. 🤡
  11. This app does not add any columns to core tables. Not sure why you have this error. There's a new version pending approval currently. I requested urgency to approve it faster but no reply to the email too. Install it back when it's released and let me know if you still find this (or any other) issue.
  12. Thank you. I have fixed it. I still have to add a setting and enhance the task; it should be done within the next hour. Let me know if you have FTP access to upload a fix while waiting for the new version review.
  13. No one told you to do that. I said THERE IS a setting that will delete empty quizzes AFTER x days... By X, you can use 7, 15, 30, 10,000 days. Up to you. And for the third time, they were always pubic. Nothing has changed. If you allow only your staff to create quizzes, that's easy. There's a moderation box at the right side of the post screen; select the option to hide it and you're done. Unhide when you're finished and click to make it ready. Anyway, I'll make some tests. Probably there is a way to show only to staff and the quiz owner while it is empty.
  14. No problem... just saying because probably you will be requested to contact the 3rd-party dev as there is a 3rd-party app involved.
  15. Again Mike, your issue has absolutely nothing to do with my app. You have records in core_tags table that are not returning in search (tags) results. That's all.
  16. Well, then you have an issue to IPS handle. My app is showing records that exists, as you can see above. No error on my app. đź‘Ť Request support and say that are tags in topics that aren't showing in search (tags) results.
  17. It is like that since version 1. Nothing changed. Notification will be sent for those who follow the category when the user set it as ready. Also, there's a setting to delete empty quizzes after X days. Just use it.
  18. On a quick query, I see both: Make sure these topics are in a forum you can view. Theses topics can't be archived as they wouldn't appear in search.
  19. Nope, will do. Making a test in my online board first.
  20. Of course there is. And how the user would add questions? Hide is a moderator thing. No change was made in this extension since version 1. Nothing has changed there. Check the storage for this extension in your ACP.
  21. As I said before, this resource uses the core_tags table to select the data: $rows = array(); foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'tag_text, count(tag_text) as cnt, SUM(tag_prefix) as prefixed, MAX(tag_added) as last', 'core_tags', array( 'tag_meta_app=?', \IPS\Request::i()->fromApp ), $order, null, 'tag_text' ) as $row ) { $rows[] = $row; } I don't see how this could be showing records that doesn't exists.
  22. They always showed everywhere. The only thing it doesn't do is send a notification about the new quiz. Notification is sent when you set it as ready to people play. This app hasn't a category image. It has an icon.
  23. Probably this other one isn’t extending the post class or template hook in a proper way, which will cause mine to stop working. Try to switch their positions to see if something changes. You can send it to me via message. I can try to identify the problem (tomorrow) then you ask to the other dev to update it. Also, have you tried to change the @ position? It may works.
  24. It is. There’s no specific setting for this. It will appear for moderators who can ban/unban people from topics, in posts that their authors can be banned and in forums NOT selected in the exclude setting.
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