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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Not a issue. It doesn't cover social mesia. It's not a feature. It doesn't work with Commerce. It covers the regular registration screen. Commerce uses its own registration screen.
  2. Let me know if you want to test the newest version before I release it to the marketplace. New features: 1 - ability to add several members manuall to the club: 2 - Ability to send private message to club members (leaders, moderators or members): Fix: Fix the ability of question submitter to mark a post as best answer. @abetts and @bradl, I will send a PM with new version attached, since you both requested features/fixes. @Unlucky, I'll try again today/tomorrow. If anyone else wants to try new version, reply here and I'll add you to the conversation. Tks.
  3. Sorry, does anyone asked you something? Yes. New version in a few days.
  4. Fixed. Next version will be ok.
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by "Super Moderator". This was removed on IOS 4.0.0. Today there's only moderator or administrator.
  6. First attempt didn't work. I'll try again.
  7. Currently, a member per time or a group. Nope, but I can add a Mass PM feature. Both in a future version.
  8. Compatiblity: IPS 4.2 IPS 4.1 Fixes: Fix reported issues: plugin made from the scratch. New features: Two options of block templates to choose Three sizes option of members photo New option in the Account Settings to member enable/disable block viewing Link to the this area in the block itself Instructions: UNINSTALL the version you have Install this version
  9. Send a PM please with ACP credentials.
  10. Compatibility: IPS 4.2 IPS 4.1
  11. - New: - Old: - Sidebar: New version works in 4.1 too.
  12. You can choose one specific payment gateway to be used exclusively in the Rafffle, if that's what you're asking: All the payment stuff is handled by Commerce, so it is required.
  13. You can either: Allow specific groups to view and use the Raffle app Restricat a raffle/giveway per group. When you create a raffle/giveaway, you can choose which user groups can buy tickets. It will use any payment gateway set up in the Commerce. It must be a setting from the payment gateway. You can also choose to use a specific payment gateway for Raffles app.
  14. No. A prize is record you enter in a form, with description and image. Not a file. No integration with Downloads, Gallery, etc.
  15. I'll add a setting to choose template. This (new) and the old.
  16. No. I really don't think it makes no sense to show a list of topics at the top and another below. It makes more sense the way it is now. Anyway, it's a template. You can change yours to display as you want.
  17. PM sent. For others: if you have purchased this and wants to test this on IPS 4.2 (only), reply here.
  18. I see whtat you mean and I can reproduce. Will fix in next version.
  19. It's a group setting, regardless the app you're using, I guess. Will need to test this.
  20. It misses some CSS work but I think it makes more sense like that: Thoughts? EDIT: Let me know if any client of this resource wants to test the 4.2 version. @mz_ @Simon Woods @Joey_M @bradl @DSystem, etc.
  21. Tks. The message is a predictable error. Have your group permission to award others and the user group you're trying to award can be awarded? Those are permissions in the award you've created.
  22. I'm making a new one, more 4.2 styled, as I promised above. The beginning: Showing 50 random members.
  23. Just to confirm: the error is in the topic author only? Is it showing different member than the original?
  24. I can't reproduce that. If you're not the question submitter, then you must be a moderator with Can set best answer for questions? permisison enabled in ALL FORUMS. See: This is fixed. I will wait a few days to release a new version. Let me know if you (and anyone else) wants this fix. I'll send via PM.
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