Everything posted by Adriano Faria
Member's Country
Yes, it works: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/ You probably removed permission from guests to view profiles (in System-> Applications -> click in System to expand -> Profiles). Doing this, users won’t show linked to their profiles and this will make the plugin to not work, once it adds the flag before the href of the profile URL. This never changed. It is like that since version 1.0.0.
Staff Applications System
I’m not sure I understand your question.
Reactions in PM's?
Easy indeed. Trait + column ID in the conversation or message model (kinda drunk now). 😀 Can’t even charge for it. It’ll be free.
Reactions in PM's?
PM sent. 👍
Reactions in PM's?
Agreed. Anyway, I think this should be an admin’s decision. He can control new accounts with email validation, check IP address, restrict messenger for the initial group, restrict number of reactions per day, etc.
Reactions in PM's?
Made a quick test and seems to work just fine: It sends the notification: And the most important: it doesn't show anywhere, since message is a private thing: Let me know if anyone wants to test it. If no issue is found, I will submit to marketplace.
I'll take a look when I have to update the app.
Ignore Forums
Thanks. Will update it in a couple of hours. Let me know if you have FTP access to your server. Fix is just add a new parameter in a function. -------------------------- EDIT: New version is pending approval. Will send you a message with a manual fix while you wait for it to be available on marketplace
Download Permissions
It's a per category thing:
Unapproved content in similar content widget
Just a suggestion for those who wants to use it in their sites (not here on IPS, of course): It works with Elastic Search.
Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x
This is dead for a couple of years already. @Makoto has a similar resource:
Posting as a Guest : spam attack
It was probably the Post Before Registering feature. The account was confirmed/created using the name KatringaTwisa and then deleted and kept the content. Check the moderator logs to see if any moderator has deleted it.
Status for Feature Suggestions
They did it for a few months, as you can see in pages 199 and 200 of this forum. I don’t remember why they stopped it, though.
Following error when I try to create a theme
Disable the resource ipskit Aaddons and tey again.
Manually Changing Member Groups in Admin Control Panel
Or maybe some group promotion or achievement, etc.
Please Eliminate "System" in the Online Users by App Widget
Who told you they are only guests?
Please Eliminate "System" in the Online Users by App Widget
System is any area of the core, like messenger, online list, account settings, etc.
Ban Members From Topics
Content of the log?
Block hyperlinks for new members
[Pages] Old Activity showing up in custom search
If I’m not mistaken and recall, mark an item as read is per category basis. Not sure this has changed or if I’m right, though.
Pay to Pin Topics
ACP -> System -> Support->Clear system caches.
Pay to Pin Topics
I have no idea what happened there. Uninstall is a Core method. Did you check the logs? Anything related to this app? If not, delete its folder from /applications, its tables and its record from core_applications and rebuild the cache. Send a message if you want me to do it Monday morning.
Pay to Pin Topics
Oh yes, it will. On \IPS\Application: ... \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_member_history', array( 'log_app=?', $this->directory ) ); ... If you want to keep these records, I suggest you to comment this line, uninstall the app and then revert the file edit after/before reinstall. This, of course, if you have access to FTP in your server. Let me know if you want more detailed info. I can send a message.
Pay to Pin Topics
If you mean TOPICS PINNED, of course you need to make a backup of the tables of this app and restore it after reinstall.
Pay to Pin Topics
No. @ahc Wait! You mean purchase on MARKETPLACE or topics pinned via this app?