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Jordan Miller

An easier way to edit your theme

In a digital world with no shortage of places to connect, a beautiful theme will help you stand out from the crowd. 

We previously touched on the importance of branded communities, and now we’re unveiling new functionality that will help make your theme more functional: easy access to header and footer tabs within our new simple theme editor. 

Invision Community already has a powerful and advanced theme editor allowing total control over every aspect of your community’s UI, however this power comes at the cost of ease of use. We often get asked if there’s an easier way to add a site wrapper, or header and footer with some tweaks to the CSS without learning the complexities of the theme editor. Now, we do!

Invision Community 4.7.0 comes with a simple theme editing mode.

Utilizing a clean interface, this editing mode allows you to quickly and easily add header and footer HTML, along with any CSS.

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When editing a theme, after clicking the big green button that says "Use Simple Theme Editing," you're taken to a simplified theme editor page where you can add in code for your header and footer, as well as custom CSS.

Previously, this option was not available. Before, community leaders had to sift through a theme’s template structure to modify anything within the header and footer code by manually editing Core > Global > GlobalTemplate and work out where to put the HTML. Now, there are header, footer and CSS tabs for easy access.

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The same Header and Footer tabs are also viewable when editing a theme. 

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TL;DR? We streamlined an important theme editing process.

Our mission is to further simplify the more complex parts of the Admin Control Panel without losing the extensibility and customization Invision Community is famous for. The simple theme editor is a single step in that direction.

The new, easy-to-use header / footer / CSS theme options are available to use in our new release, 4.7.0.

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