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4x4 Growth Hacks 🚀

4x4 is a power series by Community Advocate Joel R that focuses on four items in less than four minutes.  They're designed to cover everything from quick maintenance checks to community tips to help you make the most out of your Invision Community. 

Are you curious 🤔about ways to boost your engagement that don't require a lot of effort?  Want some shortcuts to set your engagement on fire 🔥?   

Check out these 4x4 tips of four growth hacks that you can implement in less than four minutes to boost engagement.

1. Add a content block at the bottom of topics.  Sounds upside down 🙃, right?  Most admins add content blocks at the tops of pages to attract users.  But what do users do when they're finished reading or replying to a topic?  Nothing. They're finished ... unless you add a block such as similar content, popular posts, recent topics, or another content block at the bottom of topics that help them discover new content.

2.  Tag in your superusers 🌟 to stimulate a conversation.  Your community's superusers are probably just as active as you are, and thoroughly involved in the community.  They're comfortable in the community and would love to provide input.  Wouldn't you agree with me @AlexJ @GTServices @Sonya* @Maxxius @media  @Nebthtet@Ramsesx @tonyv??  

3.  Run a poll ☑️.  It makes the topic more interactive, and people love voting.  

4. Write a contrarian topic or blog "Why XYZ isn't for you?"  That's a surefire way to grab 😲 attention and begs the user to challenge back.  And if you can't write a contrarian topic, then maybe ... being a community manager isn't right for you.  Or is it?? 😜

Hope you enjoy these tips, and and share your growth hacks in the comments below! 

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