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[B1][Pages][Forum] Automatic link to comments?


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Am playing around in pages . I want all the comments on a article post go to a forum and all settings is set for that 

When article is done and save its automatic make a forum post for comments but why isn't a link to forum post for comments not made at the bottom of article post  ?

To manually make a link to forumpost is quite annoying . or have I miss a settings somewhere ??

*Click here for comment on this article* or something like that 

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Because you can actually respond in either location. A link is posted back to the article of course, as you are cross posting. If you want people only to use forum for comments, hyou should select the "Use forum for comments" option". Then it actually doesnt matter as when they post a comment it will show in the topic anyway

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1 hour ago, Marc said:

A link is posted back to the article of course, as you are cross posting

I really try to figure this out but not get it work . i set Post a topic to the specific forum from database settingpage , not per category . any cross links i dont see no matter setting i have . uhm . but will use "Use forum for comments" for now . maybe you need to check at your end this / Thanks

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Maybe I can help with this, as this is a feature I probably use the most 😅

@Chris59, as @Marc mentioned, when you sync a forum and pages database/category together, the comments between both the forum topic and the page record are always linked. That means, if a user visits the Page version of an article and decides to post a comment on that page, the comment will also automatically be posted in the Forum version of the content as well.

An example (using V4) is here, on my site:

Pages version of the content - you can see there are 48 Comments made on this Page record, but these have all been posted EITHER on this very Page or on the synced Forum topic. It doesn't matter where it is posted, it will show up in both.

Forums version of the content - as you can see, again on this topic the same 48 Comments. Some users saw this topic on the Forums first and made a reply here, but others may have seen the Pages version of the content first and posted a Comment on the Page instead. Wherever a comment/reply was posted, they all are shown here too.

All of that is to say, to directly answer your question, there is no need for you to offer a link on the Page to go to the Forum to make a comment... because posting comments on the Page also works as posting a reply in the Forum. Hopefully that makes sense.

Having said that, you'll see on the Forums version of the content that there is a link to "View full story" at the bottom of the first post. This links back to the Pages article (but it doesn't appear the other way around)... this link doesn't seem to appear in V5 for some reason, but if you're still using V4 this will be a standard feature to cross-link forums to articles.

(Please ignore any oddities you might have seen... for example, you might have seen that the original poster of the Forum topic is different to that of the Pages article... what happened here was that the Forum topic was made first, and the Pages record made after. V4 is supposed to automatically sync the Page and Topic authors together so it is the same person, but I think there is a small bug here that is not letting this happen immediately.)

Also, in case you're wondering, the "Tips Credit" and "Original Post Content" boxes are just custom fields for the Pages Database (I use a Member Search field for the former, and a text field for the latter - I copy-paste the original forum topic author's content into the text field and search for their username with the Member Search), which is displayed on the Topic thanks to a modified template I made on the backend. It allows me to (manually) identify and credit the original authors of any Forum content that becomes a Page article on my community.

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