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Unable to Add Quotes when Editing Posts


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Hi all,

It has been brought to my attention by members that it is not possible to add quotes when editing a post. I can confirm this.

When editing a post, I have tried adding a regular quote, adding a multiquote, and a highlight quote - they all fail and instead quote to a new reply.

Since Invision uses the third-party CKEditor, perhaps there is nothing to be done. But I thought it worth mentioning with v5 coming out and Invision developing their own editor.

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I have moved this to the Feedback forum as this is currently intended to function in this manner.

3 hours ago, Como said:

But I thought it worth mentioning with v5 coming out and Invision developing their own editor.

Worth mentioning that we're using a third-party editor again in V5, Tiptap. Our developers are amazing but developing an editor is a whole product in itself so best left to those specializing in it 🙂 .

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Hi @Jim M. Ah, it seems I misunderstood. I thought you were using some kind of library to develop your own text editor.

Well, perhaps there is a way to ensure that we can add quotes when editing with the new editor.

On a somewhat similar note, multiquote is not available for the opening post to a thread. This is a rather large omission.

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10 minutes ago, Como said:

On a somewhat similar note, multiquote is not available for the opening post to a thread. This is a rather large omission.

This is indeed not possible at present. There is another suggestion open for this I believe

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