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Reasons for Banned Message

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I have a number of regular users of my site getting a "you are banned" message. 

I didn't ban them individually. 

Is there any other reason they might see this message? 

I've been playing with my "ban settings" under member settings a bit to try and stop spammers. But that should only affect new members trying to register, yes? Or could it affect existing members?


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All I can suggest at this point is to let us know if you see this happening again, along with the user its happening with. As it seems to have resolved itself currently, there would be nothing for us to check. We would need to know the user in question and the IP at the time they are attempting to log in. (of course feel free to pm this)

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8 hours ago, Eric Mattson1 said:

@Jim M Jim -- This is the screenshot they sent me of what they experienced.

Could this be because somehow the site was trying to redirect them somewhere weird? What happens when someone schedules a post and it has a word that pushes it into the moderation queue?  

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Im not following what you mean here. Could you expain further the logic there? Im not sure how moderation would have anything to do with this to be honest. Not unless you have changed the no permission message at all?

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