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Link Blog Comments to the Forums

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Was wondering how comments within the blogs here are tied into the forum sections and not separated from each blog entry. Tried searching but, my search-fu is quite weak. Is this a custom-coded thing or am I missing a setting somewhere in the admin side of things?

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13 hours ago, 2TonWaffle said:

Is there a guide or tutorial on how to get this set up? I looked through the Page guides, but trying to understand how to connect a Blog post to the Page's database is eluding me.

A Pages Database can be anything that you want. We simply use it for our Blogs but you can use it for news articles, membership highlights, recipes, etc... We have a tutorial here on how to build a recipe database: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/pages/460_basics/building-a-recipe-section_360/introduction-r155/

To configure the Pages Database to post a forum topic for each record, you would just configure this tab here in your Database settings:
Could contain: Page, Text, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Hardware

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