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CPU spikes and faults on 4.7.17

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Version 4.7.17

My host reported to me that one of my sites, which is on shared hosting, is hitting CPU spikes and faults recently.  Looking historically, there is no increase in activity (if anything it slightly decreased in the last 3 months).  However, in the last 2 days of July there were several CPU spikes and faults, particularly the last day of the month.  The 1st of August had a few and today has none so far.  Given this is shared hosting and there is limited access to logs, how can I identify the cause of this?

Nothing in the Error or System Logs of IPS correlating to the CPU Fault times.

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You would need to obtain logs from your hosting provider about who/what/where. As they can't really expect you to resolve an issue without providing you with diagnostic and information first. You would need to know what process is running or spiking, is it PHP, MySQL or something completely unrelated to our software. Once you have that information, if it's PHP, you need to know the file being executed. For MySQL, you need to know the query which is being executed (such as from a Slow Query log). Etc...

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Yeah given this is on shared hosting, they won't give me the logs and the bar for them to go through them seems too high.  Host is pushing to go on VPS or upgrade to more shared resources to resolve.  Would be nice to know what's causing it to see if it can be remediated, but not sure how I can get that on shared hosting.

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I’m afraid, the only troubleshooting you can do then is disable all third party applications and plugins and switch an unmodified theme to see if that reduces load. Outside of that we would need more info if no errors are being logged. 

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