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Gallery and Forum yield a 500 error

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I'm afraid, the response is returning a 403-permission denied error. This is coming from your server or Cloudflare, both of which, I'm afraid, are outside our scope of support. You will want to ensure that mod_security is full disabled and you may also wish to disable CloudFlare temporarily to test this. If disabling these items completely resolves the issue, you will want to work with your hosting provider or CloudFlare to determine the cause and how you can get around it permanently.

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Thanks. It looks like Cloudflare IS the culprit. The cPanel upgrade turned out to be a server migration with all the possible changes you can expect, but i was not told of all those. It was supposed to be an upgrade with no disruption. Boy was that wrong. When i disable Cloudflare, everything is fine, so I need to check things there now.

Thanks for the help.

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Well, I spoke too soon. After disabling Cloudflare:

  • I still cannot react,
  • I cannot recommend a post
  • can create new threads
  • when I reply, I sometimes get the whole page to appear in the field, and a sign-in button (as if I am not signed in already) and once I do re-sign in, I can post

I cleared the system cache, I cleared it in my WP installation too (in case it could affect it). I even tried with a different computer. There must still be something wrong.

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Unfortunately, I am not having any issues with performing those actions.

18 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

when I reply, I sometimes get the whole page to appear in the field, and a sign-in button (as if I am not signed in already) and once I do re-sign in, I can post

This sounds like a misconfiguration somewhere on your server. You may wish to check your .htaccess and remove anything custom in there to see if it is the culprit. You can find our software's default .htaccess in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> in the description of the "Rewrite URLs" field, you will see a download link for it.

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Unfortunately, as I can't reproduce these items, it is hard for me to diagnose further. You may wish to clear your browser's cache in case something is happening there.

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