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We are trying to take a database backup taken through mysqldump, and move from v4.3.3 to the latest version. We are looking to containerize the app and database, as we don't have a good way to test changes or upgrades right now, so we were looking to create something that can be reproducible in a local test environment. As a start we took a look at the manual upgrade steps and tried to see if we could point a freshly unzipped install of the latest version, however trying it this way quickly led to a host of PHP errors and core issues that seemed to indicate this wasn't the approach.

Is there a supported way to pull a database backup into a new install? Do we need to get 4.3.3 running on our container before we try upgrading the install?

Thank you to anyone who is able to help!

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You would just restore your database and files and then run the upgrader at /admin/upgrade. Of course, you will need to first ensure that your server meets the minimum requirements:


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To clarify, once you have restored your database and files to another location, please ensure you change your conf_global.php file to point to the database copy you restored. You will also want to change the licence key to your test key in the admin CP. This is your current key, with -TESTINSTALL at the end

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