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Bulk Mail does not send mail


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On Bulk Mail, I checked the Member Filters (it does show some members who will receive the mail) and clicked Save. Then clicked Proceed. This I did over 6 hours ago but Bulk Mail list still shows "Not Started" under Sent On and Time Taken columns and "0 Members" under Sent To.

How long does it take to send out the email?

On CiC

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The Bulk Mail runs on a background task in the queue. However, your queue currently is flooded with third party application tasks that seem to be failing or otherwise not completing, thus stopping any future tasks from completing.

You can see this in ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> expand "Background Processes". You will need to contact the author for assistance.

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I see many errors under System Logs -


Repeated Log Entries: Fix this (badly formed input)

Most of them are hive errors. However, I disabled Community Hive long ago and not sure why hive processes are still being executed,


hive_content_removal LogicException badly formatted input

uncaught exception No such key


template_error UnderflowException while saving theme template




value: 1


(no errors from Chatbox+)

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After clearing some task queues for Chatbox+, Bulk Mail ran and now it shows -

"54 years and 27 days" under Time Taken column

Under what circumstances can the Bulk Mail run for twice? Because I received the bulk emails twice on a test account.

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8 minutes ago, WebCMS said:

Under what circumstances can the Bulk Mail run for twice? Because I received the bulk emails twice on a test account.

You would need to ensure that you don't have an email address in there which is routed to the same email address as it should not be sent twice to the same address. This also could be an issue with the errors from the third party application still building up in the queue system.

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40 minutes ago, Jim M said:

You would need to ensure that you don't have an email address in there which is routed to the same email address as it should not be sent twice to the same address. This also could be an issue with the errors from the third party application still building up in the queue system.

The bulk email template is the same as the default one with slight mods (however, no email address is included in the template). Since the bulk mail was not sending out emails, I clicked Proceed button twice yesterday to see if it works but it did not (until today). Was this the reason for duplicate email? It also doubled the number of recipients under "Sent To" column so it means everyone received the bulk mail twice.

There are only 2 items now under Background Processes saying "Deleting Chatbox+ messages" (nothing else).

Edited by WebCMS
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Yes, if you edited and resent the bulk email while it was sending it would send again. 

37 minutes ago, WebCMS said:

There are only 2 items now under Background Processes saying "Deleting Chatbox+ messages" (nothing else).

You would need to get this resolved by the author. 

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37 minutes ago, Jim M said:

You would need to get this resolved by the author. 

Already resolved by dev today with a new update to run Chatbox+ background processes once a day instead of once every 30 minutes and a few more optimizations like deleting erroneous prior tasks before adding new tasks.

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