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Club Groupings


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Our community is REALLY enjoying the club feature. We have 15 and will launch more in the future. The list of clubs is now getting...long and a little confusing for our members to search through.

We have a few informal categories of clubs that we use and it would be amazing to be able to logically group those club categories in some way on the front of the club page...or even create separate top level pages for each category of club.

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1 hour ago, LFIWebMaster said:

Our community is REALLY enjoying the club feature. We have 15 and will launch more in the future. The list of clubs is now getting...long and a little confusing for our members to search through.

We have a few informal categories of clubs that we use and it would be amazing to be able to logically group those club categories in some way on the front of the club page...or even create separate top level pages for each category of club.

Hey @LFIWebMaster.

Clubs are the bread and butter of one of my communities, so I'll go ahead and share some things that work well for me.

If you want to see how the filters work (option 1 below) or see how I'm managing an insane amount of Clubs, my site is fanclubs.org. The site is still a work in progress, but the fundamentals and structure are mostly finalized.

Option 1 - Create Extra Fields for Clubs

This option is native to Invision Community and will allow members filter clubs by the fields specified.

For simple categorization, I would recommend using the Radio Field Type. New clubs would be required to select a category when they create the club. Existing clubs can be updated using the club settings.

A few alternative fields that would work

  • Checkbox Set - Club owners can select multiple checkbox options
  • Select Box - I find this to be better for an expansive list of options

If you use this feature, make sure you enable filtering when you set up Extra Fields. Not only can members filter by these options, but Club widgets as well.

A look at my Extra Field for Categories

Could contain: Page, Text

Option 2 - Clubs Category Application (Adriano)

I was using the Clubs Category application shared above until I figured out how to structure Extra Fields for my community. For a plug-and-play solution, the Clubs Category App is a great option.

With the Clubs Category application, navigation links are added to the sidebar on the Clubs page for easy navigation, you can add font-awesome icons, and it's easy to link to since the categories have SEO-friendly URLs. 

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I second this as I was gonna post this request.

When using forums along with clubs in a FluidView display, forums in the FluidView filter list renders fine grouped under their categories properly but the clubs is just a single list added at end end of the filter list with no grouping. It doesn't work as expected as there is no way to group clubs.

Please provide categories for club forums.

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