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Kartra integration with Invision Community


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I was thinking of using the Kartra online application to manage my marketing campaigns, landing pages, forms, abandoned cart, upsells, etc. Invision lacks most of these important functionalities, so I need to look for alternatives, and Kartar impressed me.

Can I connect Kartra with Invision and use the products in my ACP in Kartra?

  • Somebody buys Invision Membership X in a list of products in Kartra and then a new user is added to ACP with the correct primary/secondary group
  • I wish Invision had many of the basic functionalities of any shopping cart, like upsells and abandoned carts, but it doesn't. So how am I supposed to do that if I wanted to?
  • Can Kartra do this with Zapier and Invision?

Is this the way it would be done in Zapier? See screenshot.

Could contain: Page, Text


Thanks a lot for your help.

Edited by OptimusBain
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