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Questions about customizing receipts and withdrawals 


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Questions about customizing receipts and withdrawals 
The forum (paymap.org)already supports user-defined currency for withdrawals and manual withdrawals.
Today the "classifieds" application has been enabled(https://www.paymap.org/classifieds/). Today I suddenly realized that I haven't found the "Withdrawal" option for members. 

Looking forward to it: 
1. every ordinary user of the forum can "customize" QR code, email address, phone number and username.   Instead of only platform managers can customize a payment method (of course, this is not the use of Paypal and other traditional fiat currency payment tools).   

2. Every ordinary user of the forum can "customize" the withdrawal QR code (withdrawal URL), withdrawal mailbox, withdrawal phone number, withdrawal username and other functions.    Instead of only platform managers can customize a withdrawal method (of course, this is not the use of Paypal and other traditional fiat currency payment tools). 

Based on the above two points, community monetization is more valuable and meaningful.   

As a digital asset investor. I believe that with the enactment of the Digital Currency Security Act next, soon almost all the digital currencies you see now will fall.

There will also be new digital currency technology born. In the future, digital currencies will coexist with fiat currencies.
At a time when people are finding out about the tyranny of big truck drivers in Canada and Australia against the government (when the COV19 vaccine was mandated), the government is free to use its power to shut down the drivers' bank accounts and freeze their bank cards. The government is out of control. Humanity needs a free means of payment for its development. I believe this day is unstoppable. 

I have already lost two loved ones to mandatory vaccines. I wish I could do something useful. I look forward to the platform developers considering the "closed loop feature" of community monetization, where custom currencies can be customized to allow every regular user to receive and pay.  

The essence of currency is that buyers and sellers recognize each other's value. We don't need an intermediary to buy or sell. Just like we are all God's children, we can pray directly to God. In the last days only gold and silver will retain value. Everything that is man-made may be broken. 

A word about us: God's substance on earth is money, silver and gold. (Haggai 2:8 Gold is mine, and silver is mine, saith the LORD of hosts) to protect His children in times of trouble. Read also Haggai 2:1-9, God's encouragement to His children who are courageously working for Jesus during this time before He is raptured to take us home.




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Existing Forum: Withdrawal function 
It seems that customisation is not supported. I don't think this is a 3rd party issue.
Withdrawal is an official template framework. It has been limited that withdrawals do not support community custom currencies. This could be an important part of community monetisation.

We know that traditional banks around the world are about to face a crisis. The bigger banks will be the first to fall, probably in the financial wars of recent months.  https://nfscofficial.com/

Pension funds from the US, Europe and other countries have been invested in the Chinese property market. China's property is about to collapse. This will change everything. Too deep a collusion of interests, and there will always be consequences to face. Communism is a cancer on humanity.

If one is willing to learn, you will be concerned about the large number of bank closures already underway .



Status: Limited to paypal or in the fiat currency cycle.

We are already preparing for a future crisis. This is not speculation, it is a judgement based on NFSC intelligence.

A trading platform with a whole replacement would be of immense value. It can only be done through paypal which is still just traditional and not thinking outside the box.

When people have a mutually agreed upon payment instrument and currency, all they need is a platform that supports "community monetisation" to complete the transaction process.

For example: all members can use their own mailbox or phone number, etc. to make third-party community currency for the purchase and sale of goods, payment and collection behaviour.  

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If any parts of core Commerce are desired to be changed, you can post in our Feedback forum requesting those or work with a third party provider to accomplish these in a custom application. However, if they don’t exist, I’m afraid there is not much from a support perspective which we can assist with. 

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