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HubSpot Chat Widget/Bubble inside /community

Valerie Huard

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Good day to everyone,

We have a HubSpot plugin installed in our WordPress which is responsible in displaying its own chat widget/bubble but this widget is not passed on or being displayed in /community. Is there a way for me to have it displayed in /community? or to pass on what's existing in most of our WordPress pages to /community? It's probably the same issue with the UI or display headers which is different for both our WordPress pages and the Community.

*** Our website is a membership website so it needs login but below are images of our WordPress page with the chat bubble and the Community page (both looks different) 

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The only way to perform this would be to also add these in Invision Community. You would need to contact HubSpot to see what that would take. If it is just adding a snippet of Javascript code to the head or footer of the website, that can easily be done. However, if there is more customization going on, that would require a third party provider to develop this for your community.

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13 minutes ago, Valerie Huard said:

Okay. So if we have the needed code snippet, we just need to place it in our theme's footer/header?

If that is what they provide you, yes.

13 minutes ago, Valerie Huard said:

And also, we haven't really asked about this one but as what you can see in the images, both looks different, especially for the header or the menu bar. Why is that?

You would need to contact your theme author if you want to match your WordPress site.

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Good day,

I'll continue with this topic, I've placed the tracking code in our theme's Header/Footer, but it doesn't show in the sites HTML or network console. I've tried adding a test script and after saving it, it doesn't show. It seems like even after saving it in Header/Footer, it doesn't "save". Maybe I'm just missing some procedures.

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