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Giving warn to new user that has 0 achievements points minus values

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi can u fix that problem ? 

The issue is that moderator can give warn to user and give him minus X points from achievements points witch is normal but error appears.

EX1264 And

UPDATE `ipb_core_members` `core_members`  SET `warn_level`=9,`temp_ban`=1693864799,`members_bitoptions`=302055424,`achievements_points`=-28 WHERE member_id=XYZ
IPS\Db\Exception: Out of range value for column 'achievements_points' at row 1 (1264)

Could contain: Chart, Plot, Page, Text

The problem is like from first version of achievements points and still no one fix....


Nothing urgent but please fix 🙂 


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